Wednesday, December 18, 2013

More of your Doubter Questions

Thanks again for all the great questions!

Dead Sea Scrolls...are there other books found and if so why are they not added to the Bible? 

The Dead Sea Scrolls contain a lot of information; not all are what we would consider “books.” They speak of the culture of that time and also contain certain copies of the Jewish scripture, teachings of rabbis, retelling of the biblical stories, etc.So these scrolls do not provide any new revelation that would give them scriptural authority.

The 4th commandment says to keep the Sabbath holy.  Is the sabbath not on Saturday? Will The Lord not hold us accountable? Should we as believers of the word and his commandments start to recognize this and honor Saturday as the sabbath? 

Hebrews 4 speaks of God’s rest as provided in Christ. We can understand the Sabbath as a type of foreshadowing of Jesus and the resting from “works of the law.”This helps us understand why Paul taught in Colossians 2:16 that we should not be judged by Sabbath rules. These were fulfilled by Christ.However, we must see the wisdom of pausing for rest and understand that the value of the Sabbath discipline is still important and valid today.

Can I not believe in certain parts of the bible (example 6 day creation and Noah's ark) but still be a true Christian? 

Being a true Christian is a matter of being submitted to King Jesus in repentance (from sins) and in joy (for delight over the treasure of Christ as Savior and Lord).
The key issue would be why do you not believe in those parts of the Bible? There is the matter of interpretation and intention. We must be careful not to change the intention of the Bible by disregarding its content, which Jesus used and taught from. 
Perhaps, your struggle is over how to interpret those passages?

I know God answers prayers because I have experienced it many times, but why would He be silent on some prayers and not others? Are there different levels of importance for prayers?

Sometimes God is silent because He wants to wait and see if we are persistent in our prayers (see Luke 11 and 18 for parable on persistence).Sometimes there is a character issue that we need to address. Sometimes God has given enough information for us to act in faith and in freedom.

What do I do when I am searching for God’s voice but haven't heard anything?

There is no magic formula here, but in general, keep listening. Be a student of Scripture as God often speaks through His Word. God could also desire to speak through Christian community, like Small Group. The key would be not to give up. Keep asking and keep listening. Make sure your desire for an answer does not mean more than your desire just to be in God’s presence.One final idea would be to take a type of “retreat” where you spend significant time in prayer, worship, and Bible studying for the purpose of being “with” God.

How much should I listen to people around me when making decisions? How much should I rely on myself? 

It depends on who the people are that are around you. The key is to listen to the right people--people who are students of Scripture, love Jesus, and have a desire for His will. If you are in fellowship with this group of people, then it is a balance of individual discernment and community accountability and encouragement.

When prayers are answered, we say it's because we prayed. But when prayers don't get answered, we say it just wasn't God's will. So which is it? Is His will what's going to happen, or is it our prayers that make things happen?

Unanswered prayer cannot always be said to “not be God’s will.” It can also be that we prayed with wrong motives (James 4:1-3) or that we are not in an intimate, abiding relationship with Jesus (John 15).God moves and commands His people to pray; God has ordained the answering of prayers as His people joyfully participate in His purposes. However, prayer cannot be reduced to something less than this. Prayer must be understood as participation in God’s Kingdom work and for the “hallow[ing] of His Name” (Matthew 6).

Why did God create us to worship him? Is that not selfish?

No because God is the best and greatest and most superior entity. God wants what is best for us, which by definition is Himself. He wants us to worship Him both because He is worthy and because it will bring us unending joy (Matthew 13:43-45). So God’s motives for worship are out of love for us as creatures made in His image and for His desire to receive glory.  God’s glory and our worship of Him are not unrelated, nor is His love for us.

Do you believe that salvation is a process of 3 dimensions - such as past, present, and future? In other Words when you become a true Christian can you say: I have been saved, I am being saved, and I will be saved on the final judgment day. The bible speaks of salvation in past, present and future tense in places so it is hard for me to see it as an event that happened at some point in the past.

Yes, there is an element of truth to this and we should not separate them from one another. Salvation is a not a past event without connection to our present state or future hope. They are all connected. I am saved into a relationship with God (adopted and justified to be His child); I am being sanctified to better reflect the image of Jesus; and I will be glorified with Him (Col. 3:1-4).

Can people who have gone to be with the Lord interact with us or see us from Heaven? 

Based on Revelation 6:11 and perhaps Revelation 8:4, there is some evidence to suggest people in heaven know what is happening on earth.

When a person is "angry" with or at God, is that being selfish? 

Perhaps. It is okay to express raw emotion to God as David did in the Psalms and even as Jesus did in Gethsemane and on the cross. However, God does not desire for us to remain angry as it gives the devil a foothold in our lives and becomes a gateway to sin and bitterness.Ultimately, God would desire to heal us from our anger.

Do people still have visions or dreams from God? 

Yes. It happens all the time, especially in mission settings where Jesus is not known or no established churches exist.

My husband and I have always been told when making big decisions in our lives to pray about the situation before jumping ahead of ourselves. I’m the only one working and my husband is struggling to find himself a job for our family. We have been praying daily but feel like our prayers aren't getting answered. What are we to do? 

After church, someone reported they had some job possibilities at their business. Please contact the church office to inquire, 706-279-3175.

How do you know, in times of suffering, the difference between a temptation from the devil and a sign from God? 

Satan appeals to our pride, is unloving, and does not want Jesus praised. God never tempts us to sin but always provides opportunities, even in suffering, to stay faithful to Jesus.

How do I get my parents to come to church?

1-Prayer. 2-A good relationship with them. 3-Try introducing them to people from church in a non-church setting. 4-Use special events such as Easter or Christmas to invite them to first.

Why do we not still uphold the laws set in Leviticus?

Some of those laws were fulfilled completely in Christ, such as the laws about diet and the sacrificial system. Acts 10 speaks of God removing the dietary restrictions, while Hebrews 7-9 speaks of Jesus making the sacrificial system unnecessary because of the sufficiency of His death.Additionally, we must consider that the civil laws given in Leviticus were for the specific nation of Israel as God’s people through whom the Messiah would come. Now, God’s plan and purpose of salvation is extended to all the nations, which makes those specific laws for historical Israel unnecessary.

I know it's wrong to brag, but is it wrong to brag on God?

Bragging on God is a form of worship.

Does God speak and ask things of us even if we are away from Him and not asking Him for direction or answers?

He certainly could in an effort to get our attention and draw us into a relationship with Himself.
This type of thing happens on the mission field and, specifically, through dreams given to Muslim people.

Why do you not back up your answers to the texted questions with scripture?

I apologize if my answers have not been backed up with Scripture. I thought I was in most cases. I will be happy to further answer questions or provide Scripture. Just email with specifics. Thank you -- it is very important for us at Rock Bridge to be scriptural in our responses and teaching.

If God is such a great God then why would he create us to worship him?

Love. I Corinthians 2:9

How can you have salvation without Jesus dying for our sins, being buried & raised from the dead? The gospel is the power of God unto salvation.

You can’t. Jesus had to die and had to be raised for us to experience new life under His rule as King of Kings.

How are you sure you are following the godly path?

1-Do you love Jesus and desire His glory?2-Are you obeying all you know as revealed in God’s Word?3-Are you actively pursuing a relationship with God and seeking His will?If so, then you can be fairly assured you are walking with God.

How do I distinguish God’s answer to my own?

God’s answer is always designed to bring glory to Jesus and conform our character to Christ. Our own answers often have hints of pride or vanity or self-interest.
Sometimes our answer and God’s may in fact be the same, in which case we are operating from a transformed mind (Romans 12:1-2) and according to the Spirit, and not the flesh (Romans 8).

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Things You Need To Know

Rock Bridge PM On Wednesday, December 11th

The Dalton Christmas Parade was moved to this Thursday, so Rock Bridge PM will be moved to Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30pm in Stage123.  Please spread the word and invite your friends!

Christmas Eve Service

Dalton and Calhoun will be having Christmas Eve services on their campus Tuesday, December 24th at 5:00pm.

Doubters Anonymous - Current Series 

Have any doubts about God, Faith, or the Christian life?  Email
with any questions you may have, so we can help answer them during this series.

No First Wednesday Till February

We will not be having First Wednesday in January.  The next one will be on February 5th, 2014. 

Rock Bridge Calhoun - 3 New Service Times Starts January 12th! 

9:00  |  10:30  |  11:59

Monday, December 9, 2013

Doubter Questions

What is up with the "elite" few that some Christians believe are the only ones predetermined to make it into heaven?

The idea of Christians feeling or acting “elite” is certainly inappropriate and our salvation by King Jesus should certainly produce humility.  I think the Bible is clear on God’s desire to save all (I Timothy 2:4), but the Bible also explains that all will not be saved because of evil and rebellion in their own heart.  The best 2 questions: Why are any saved? (the only reason is the sheer grace and mercy of God!). Why aren’t more people saved? (the only reason is the sheer evil and rebellion in the human heart).

Several questions about children and the age of accountability. Certainly there is a bit of mystery here about this. 

However, Scripture is clear in 2 places. First, David’s response when his own son died in 2 Samuel 12:18-23. The other is in Romans 1, which teaches that people can obtain knowledge through creation. Clearly, the implication is that people have to have the mental capacity to know and reason certain things. This would indicate that to be accountable equals the ability to have knowledge.

How do you try to help a person in doubt that totally rebels against the words of God, but believes in history? 

This person probably has given mental “assent” to certain biblical beliefs (Jesus, Easter, the Jews, etc).We have to show people Who Jesus really is and what the logical response to His Kingship is. Additionally, the Bible is clear that obedience is not extra-credit, but a natural expression of salvation.

Is being an enabler (spouse is alcoholic--I enable to avoid conflict) sinning?

Perhaps. Even more, enablement is certainly not an expression of love because love by definition has to hate what hurts the one you love. Alcoholism should not be enabled, but dealt with in love.  I am very sorry about your situation and please let us know if we can help or if you need to talk to someone.

How do I begin getting through to an agnostic friend? 

Through your relationship. Demonstrate by your lifestyle, your love and your willingness to sacrifice that Jesus is real to you and in you.

What about children? We have a daughter who has been raised in a Christian family. She knows that God is real and believes that Jesus died for her sins. She tries daily to serve the Lord to the best of her ability. Someone told her that she was not going to heaven unless she said a "prayer" and at that point believe on the Lord. She responded that she already believed in Him, and she prays all the time. What is your advice on how, as parents, we address this situation?

We should not confuse the expressions of salvation for salvation. Sometimes, the “prayer” has been used to express salvation. However, we see no such “sinners” prayer in Scripture. Salvation is always a response to Who Jesus is, which includes repentance and faith, and results in a changed life.

What happens in the 1000 year reign?

Different scholars interpret and believe a variety of things about this (see Rev. 20:3).  I will share what is called the pre-millennial view, which means that after the 2nd Coming believers will reign together with Christ. This seems to be a time of great glory and joy for Christ and believers.

How are you supposed to believe in something you can't see? How do you know there's a God? We spend most of our lives believing in something that may not even be true. How are we supposed to know? And we follow a book that was written 6 billion years ago. It's a biography. I don't get it. Please help me understand.

I would encourage you to listen to the previous messages in this series. We discuss the existence of God, the truthfulness of Scriptures, and the certainty of Jesus’ resurrection.We actually believe in things we can’t see all the time: George Washington, nuclear fission, gravity, etc. You can’t see anything that happened yesterday (unless you have a picture or video). History is what the Bible contains and it provides a path to know and experience God personally.

So what about the ABC accepting believing confessing?? I know saying the sinner's prayer doesn't save us. I guess I'm confused about the confessing part. You didn't mention that today. You just said that being saved was knowing who Jesus is and wanting to be with Him (and that saves us). I thought that's part of being saved. What about the Romans Road? The Bible says confess with your mouth, so what would you have someone do if they came and wanted to "be with Jesus" to be saved.

The ABCs of salvation and the Romans Road are devices people developed to help explain salvation. In the Scriptures, look at how Peter shared the Gospel (Acts 2). He focused on Who Jesus is. This brought about awareness of sin and a desire for repentance.In the first century no one would have said, “here's the Romans Road” or the “ABCs” for salvation.  These tools weren't developed until the 1900s, so how did people get saved before then? In the Scriptures, they always presented Jesus as the promised King and Messiah. Confession is the acknowledgement of Who Jesus is and the realignment of our life around Him as our King, which is what we discussed today, although I didn't use the word confession specifically.To “be with Jesus” requires I know first Who He really is. I also mentioned we have to decide “who we are” in response to Jesus. This would require us to adjust and realign (repent) to Him.All of these responses (confession, repentance, obedience) flow from Who Jesus is. I don't think they necessarily have to be separated, but rather are connected to the right response to Who King Jesus really is.

Why did God choose the cross as a means for our salvation?

It took the cross and the resurrection. On the cross, God’s demand for justice was met and His love was demonstrated. In the resurrection, Jesus’ identity was verified/validated and the new life He makes possible was made available.  The cross was ordained by God for these purposes.

Why is my marriage falling apart when I'm doing everything right and following Christ? 

I am very sorry about your trouble and hardships. I hear that you are doing everything right, but what about your spouse? Marriage requires both parties to be committed to one another in sacrificial and covenantal love. Please let us know if we can help.

I am told a lot lately that the only way is to be a Jehovah’s Witness. How do I know I am worshiping the right God? 

Jehovah’s Witnesses deny that Christ was God based on a few bad translations of the New Testament. Over and over, Jesus claimed to be God; repeatedly Paul spoke of Jesus as God; and the first Christians sang to Jesus as God.  God is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and, is particularly and specifically revealed in Jesus.

What do you say to someone who says you don't have to go to church to go to Heaven?  

The question for me is why would a Christian not participate in something that Christ loves and died for, and is essential for experiencing Him?

Once you have salvation, can you lose it? 

If you are really saved and your life has really been placed under the authority of Jesus, then no. However, the best evidence of our salvation is not a past decision or moment, but your present condition of life with Jesus.

Do you think God can speak to you through a secular song? 

He used a donkey in Scripture, so yes, I think He can use a secular song. Just test what you “hear” from it with Scripture and godly counsel.

Last sermon you answered a question about pot with a response about how we shouldn't do anything that puts us under the influence.  Does this include caffeine?

If it affects our ability to reason, to be obedient, to use our minds, and to respond to Christ and His Spirit, then yes. If we abuse our bodies with caffeine, then yes.

What does it mean in Hebrews 10:26-31 that if we deliberately continue to sin after having knowledge of the truth, there is no more sacrifice that can cover that sin? How does it relate to people that have addictions or repetitive sin?

This is obviously a very difficult passage of Scripture. Here are some thoughts: this passage seems to teach that people can lose their salvation; however, that would contradict Hebrews 3:14, and it is unlikely the author wrote two conflicting concepts in his letter. More likely, is that the author saw the visible church as a “mixed” group of people. This means that within the church there were some people who appeared (on the outside, the externals) to be Christians; however, in all actuality, they were God’s adversaries who did not value Jesus or His sacrifice, and they sinned willfully and without remorse.Also, please note that “knowledge of the truth” does not mean they responded properly to the truth of King Jesus. So I take Hebrews 10 to indicate that not all people who look like Christians are Christians, and it serves as a warning that we must take our sanctification and discipleship seriously.

Is tattooing your body a sin? 

No; unless you are doing it for vanity or to “define” who you are.

Matt, you have discussed your struggles with addiction in your life. During these times, you considered yourself to be a Christ follower. I also believe I'm a Christian and I also struggle with certain sins. How do we know we have truly repented and only going through a "season"? 

Here is the key:  Are you fighting the sin in your life and seeking to “put it death”?  Sin without conviction is serious and may indicate that a person is not born again. Christians can never treat sin lightly and must seriously pursue repentance.

Since Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary, why does Jesus' genealogy get traced back through Joseph, his step father? 

All of Jesus’ legal rights would still come through Joseph, and the promises made to David would be applicable to the legal children of David’s descendants, which included Joseph and Jesus.

Why do people act one way in church but live a sinful life outside church?

While we always must be ready to give grace and be willing to understand people’s situations, there is no ready explanation except that we are all sinners.

What is the scripture where Paul says to "assess" salvation?

2 Corinthians 13:5

If God is omniscient, and thus knows in advance whether we will choose salvation, how does this compromise the concept of free will? Or, does God choose NOT to know certain things, in order to allow free will to play itself out? If the prayers of a righteous man accomplish much, it would seem that God can be swayed; and thus, the future is malleable...including whether or not we choose to be saved.

God knows all things; this fact is indisputable (read Psalm 139).Just because God knows something, does not mean He causes it. Just knowing that I will be hungry a few hours after eating does not actually cause my hunger.  In regards to prayer, God has ordained prayer as a means through which He moves, responds, and relates to His people, and He invites us to participate in His work through prayer.

I feel like the story of Tamar is the craziest in the genealogy of Jesus. Why was she considered righteous for tricking her father-in-law into conceiving a child with her?

She was not considered righteous for her actions. Genesis 38 just tells her story; it does not condone her actions.

Can you be a Christian and go to heaven when you're a homosexual?

Are you practicing sexual purity? Are you trying to repent of sin?
Struggling with homosexuality and being defined as a homosexual are two distinct things. A person may have homosexual temptations and desires, but choose to identify more with Christ and His will.
This is the battle all of us face and we are commanded to “desire God’s will” more than our “fleshly” desires (see I Peter 4:1-2).

Why do I sometimes lose the "want" to be aligned with the one I love the most, God? 

Because ultimately, it is not a feeling, but a choice and a decision we make daily to deny ourselves and live for God.

How do we respond as believers when someone tells us there is no such thing as a God or Heaven because of all of the things that have gone wrong in their life?

Show them Jesus suffering on the Cross. Explain that even God, as Jesus, suffered wrong, but that He came to initiate a plan of restoration. Show them that if everyone followed the way of Jesus, eventually wrong would be eradicated, and love and justice would triumph.

What if you don’t feel doubtful and for the first time feel the overwhelming warmth of the Lord, but need more guidance within yourself to overcome life's problems? 

We will discuss this in the next 2 weeks.

Why are people so concerned about where God puts us in the afterlife? Shouldn't we already be grateful that He has died for us and focus on serving Him out of gratitude? 

In many respects, yes. He died for us, and we should be grateful. He also taught us how to really live as human beings in relation to God. This should get most of our attention. 
The focus on heaven and the afterlife is a relatively recent occurrence within American Christianity. Jesus came to give us life that begins when we know Him as King and Lord (John 17:3); we don’t have to die to begin to experience the life He gives us.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Things You Need To Know

Rock Bridge Ringgold - 3 New Services This Weekend 

9:00  |  10:30  |  11:59

Christmas Musical

Rock Bridge Worship Choir presents "Surviving Christmas".
Wink Theatre, Downtown Dalton, at 114 W. Crawford St. Dalton, GA 30720.
Saturday, December 7th at 7:00pm
Sunday, December 8th at 4:00 & 7:00pm

Rock Bridge PM Wednesday, December 11th

The Dalton Christmas Parade was moved to next Thursday, so Rock Bridge PM will be moved to Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30pm in Stage123.  Please spread the word and invite your friends!

Christmas Eve Service

Dalton and Calhoun will be having Christmas Eve services on their campus Tuesday, December 24th at 5:00pm.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Doubter Questions

How do Christians hold fast to the stance that marriage is "one man & one woman," and justify the polygamy represented in the Old Testament?

While polygamy is practiced in the OT, this should not be interpreted as God being okay with it or condoning it.  Deuteronomy 17:17 actually prohibits kings from it. Sometimes the biblical writers were simply recording events and history without commentary; however, God clearly implies a one man-one woman definition of marriage in Genesis 2:24 and even more in the New Testament.

Does a poor prayer life show a lack of faith? 

We need to understand what is meant by “poor prayer life”. Prayer is first and foremost about a relationship with God and not about playing a slot machine to try and get God to give you something good. Second, prayer requests must be submitted to God’s will and for His glory. Third, we pray in faith, trusting God to give us the answer we need.

Are there any references to hell in the Old Testament? If not, why? 

There are references to hell in the OT. Sheol is the word in Hebrew and it is found in books such as Proverbs, Job, Isaiah, Daniel, and the Psalms. We will further discuss hell in future messages.

Why are there verses that on the face of them seem to teach universalism? 

I don’t know any that teach universalism (that everyone will be saved). Sometimes verses are addressed specifically to a group of Christians and the verse is talking about their salvation, but not meant to imply that everyone will be saved.

Does God love everyone? Does God love, his "children" more so than say a non-believer?

100% yes--God does love everyone. Not everyone experiences God’s love but everyone is loved by God. Think of a teenager that rebels from their family, they are still loved by their family, but are not experiencing that love.

My niece has been asked to become a member of Job's Daughters (freemasons) I have heard good & bad about them.  Should a Christian become a member? 

I am frankly not familiar with the freemasons; however, Christians should always exercise caution prior to joining any organization (including a church!) without first examining their beliefs and practices in light of the Scriptures and the lordship of Jesus.

Why do some denominations believe you can lose your salvation and some only consider it backsliding? 

We will address salvation and this question in part 5.

Why does God tell us to witness to certain people and they don't hear you out or ignore you? 

God frequently commanded this in the Bible. In Luke 10 and Isaiah 6, the command is given along with the fact that not everyone will respond. The Puritans used to say that the “same sun that hardens the clay, melts the wax.” God’s grace can cause us to melt and respond to God’s love, or we can reject that grace due to a hardening of the heart.

Will you go to Hell if you have never heard the word of God and of Jesus?

We will address this more in Part 5.

Is there the potential for humans to travel further in the universe and find a habitable world outside of this one, because the universe is God's creation?

Perhaps. The Bible does not address this issue.

Are there references in New Testament about gays? 

Yes. Romans 1:26. I Corinthians 6:9

Why does God bless and take care of people even when they are living sinfully?

I don’t think we can assume that God is blessing and taking care of people. God gives what is called “common grace” to everyone: the grace of air, sunshine, creation.  Ultimately, sin will result in a consequence. Christians are often called to sacrifice and at times suffer. These experiences are used to advance God’s kingdom and build our character (see Romans 5 and James 1).

When praying for a miracle, is it really about our unbelief that may cause it to not be answered or is there a bigger plan that God has? Example: when people die before we believe it’s their time. 

It depends what you mean by unbelief. If unbelief is that God can’t heal or that God is not who He reveals Himself to be, then yes unbelief is a barrier. However, we can’t think of “faith” as the magic key that forces God to do what we want Him to do either. God is in charge and has a plan. That plan will not be thwarted when the miracles we want do not occur, and that plan will be advanced when miracles do occur (and they do still occur)!

Do you believe in predestination? 

The Bible clearly teaches the idea of predestination (for example: Ephesians 1:4-5 and Romans 8:29-30). The debate is often over how God predestined. So yes, I do believe in predestination. God predestined to create the world, to create us, and to send Jesus to redeem us because God as all-knowing, knew we would rebel and need a rescue (Ephesian 1:4; 2 Timothy 1:9; Revelation 13:8). I do not believe in what is called “double predestination”, which is that God picked some for salvation and some for damnation. This view was condemned by the 2nd Council of Orange in A.D. 529. I believe God predestined through His knowledge of how His free creatures respond (or not) to Him and through His providence (control of things).

Today you will be w/Me in Paradise: what about Abraham, Moses, etc. befor Jesus?

The Bible indicates that these OT believers had future faith in the promise of God to save His people. This promise was actualized in Jesus. Therefore, we look back in the past to place our faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection, while believers in the OT looked forward to the future for redemption. See Hebrews 11:13-15

Where was Jesus after death but before resurrection? 

He told the thief on the Cross “today” that they would be together in Paradise. I would tend to accept that. However, using the Apostles’ Creed and some verses in I Peter others have concluded that Jesus preached in hell and/or experienced the torment of hell. I am not convinced based on the context that Christ went after His death to preach or experience torment; however, I cannot say this with 100% certainty.

As sin entered the world through Satan; how did sin enter Lucifer as an angel?
Was he always evil? 

He was tempted. He had a choice in the matter.

Angels existed before humans, so why create humans? 

Love. Angels are not made in the image of God as people are. Apparently, God enjoys a special relationship/partnership with people that He does not have with angels.

What about prophecy/healing/tongues (sign gifts)? Are they no longer possible/needed? 

We will answer this later in the series.

I understand as a Christian we ask for forgiveness for things we have done. Are we completely forgiven and not ever when we reach the pearly gates questioned about what we have done in the past? 

We will answer this later in this series.

I have heard so many different thoughts on judgment day that it has become confusing as to if there will be any difference from the non believer and the true Christian in how judgment day will be. If we have truly repented of sins will we still be judged the same or have to answer the same as if we haven't? 

We will answer this later in this series.

Where do Orthodox Jews go when they die or have died. I say unless they believe in Jesus then they don't go to heaven. Others think because they are God's chosen people they will get a 2nd chance

Based on Romans 9 and Paul’s burden for the Jews, they need Jesus.

Is it ever Gods will for divorce if adultery HAS NOT occurred? Only problems like money, health, loss of interest, arguments etc? 

The Bible is clear that divorce is permissible in cases of abandonment and adultery. I would include abuse as a form of abandonment. Besides those two (or three) reasons, there is no reason for divorce.The problems you mention can be resolved through faith in God, wise counsel, and obedience to God’s plan for marriage (see Ephesians 5:22-33). It indicates a lack of belief and faith in God to divorce for reasons other than the ones the Bible gives.

Wanted to ask about time in Genesis- in 5:4-5 it says that Adam lived 930 this to be taken literally? 

Two possibilities: one is that they counted time differently than we do. The other is that the effects of the Fall on our biology occurred over a period of time. Our physical bodies were originally designed to last forever and the effect of the fall was progressive (not immediate) on our life expectancy.

Also, was Cain's wife a niece or cousin? In the beginning of time was it really just Adam and Eve and everyone descended from them? How did people get so different looking? - where does the Bible explain all the different races? Was incest ok at the beginning? 

Yes it just started with 2 people. Yes they would have been “related”. Remember the problem with incest is certain harmful genetic traits get passed down easier but these traits are products of the Fall and were not progressive in developing. The different races seem to have originated as described by the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11.

How can God be omnipotent and omniscient and good and people still have free choice because without God we will always choose what is wrong and evil? He must send the Holy Spirit to prompt us to make the "right" choice. 

God allows us to have freedom and make meaningful choices. This is part of what it means to be created in His image. Yet our unwise and sinful choices have enslaved us like someone who drinks too much alcohol (they were free to do it but restricted because they did so). Now God gives us grace through the Holy Spirit to bring us back to Him and free us once again to love and serve Him. I think you can have BOTH a God who is sovereign and all-knowing and people who can make meaningful choices. God is so powerful and sovereign, He still rules and controls through, and in some cases, in spite of our choices.

In the wake of horrific tragedies like school shootings, a lot of focus is on mental illness. What is the correlation between mental illness and evil?

There is often a lack of medical care and attention given to medical illness. This is an issue that needs medical as well as spiritual care. Ultimately, all of us have bodies and a biology that are affected by the fall of man; this certainly could include mental illness but not in all cases.

I know that wives are called to submit to their husbands and that the husband is suppose to be the spiritual leader of the home, but how does that work if the husband is not a Christian? For example, I feel it is right to continue to tithe even though things are really tight, but my husband has asked me not to do so. I am torn because I'm not sure which is worse; not tithing or not respecting my husbands request.

The main issue is to let your husband see Christ in you (see I Peter 3:1-2). It is hard to convince a non-Christian to do things Christians do, such as tithing. However, you might suggest tithing off your individual income and explain why this is important to you.

My kids told me recently about something called "illuminati" what are your feelings on this?

I think I incorrectly answered this question in the message. I think “illuminati” is a reference to a secret society that apparently attempts to influence world affairs. While I am not familiar enough with this to respond fully, I would rest in God’s ultimate control of world history.

How do you know you're in the right denomination? 

What needs to be central in choosing a local congregation is their view of Jesus and the Scriptures. Also, does the church serve God’s mission in the community and the world?

Can you post some of the sources that verify the history on the blog to help me with my friends? 

I would recommend The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. Josh McDowell wrote a book called More than a Carpenter that is also very useful.

Why would a loving God cause a mass destruction such as the flood to erase almost all of mankind? Why start over?

God did not completely start over because He saved Noah and his family. We must remember that God is also just and holy; therefore, sin is incredibly offensive to God.

Are there any other historians from the 1st century that talk about Jesus? 

Josephus: famous Jewish historian. Tacitus: Roman historian.

Are there more books written during biblical times but not included in the bible? If so, why were they not included? 

There were some other works that were either not deemed to be authoritative or judged to be spurious works. Other works were composed well after the 1st century. There was almost universal agreement on the vast majority of the New Testament by the mid-to-late 2nd century.

Why do we not worship on the Sabbath? 

Short answer is that it is not required (Colossians 2:16). Additionally, the evidence we have indicates the day of “gathered” worship changed to Sunday to match the day of the resurrection.

Do Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses go to heaven? 

Next week!

Is smoking pot a sin? 

Yes because it is illegal and Romans 13 asks us to submit to government. Additionally, anything that causes us to come under control of anything other than God is a sin.

How do I distinguish God’s answer to my own? 

We will discuss this issue in the next 2 weeks.

In my religion class we have been talking about Christianity and we talked about how it started out as basically a cult and we adopted a lot of pagan holiday rituals.  Ex: Bringing greenery indoors and burning the yule log.  Why did we adopt these?

We must remember that these holiday traditions are not biblical, nor should we pretend that they are. Most likely, these developed after Constantine legalized Christianity in A.D. 313 as various Roman festivals merged into Christian celebrations to become traditions.  Nothing right or wrong at stake here.

Do you think Jesus looked like Jim Caviezel?  Or have we "Americanized" Jesus, so that He doesn't look Middle Eastern, to make us more comfortable? 

Not sure. Probably looked more Middle Eastern.

In the Apostles Creed, we say "I believe in the holy Catholic Church". Does this mean we are confessing that we believe the books of the apocrypha to be true? 

Not at all. The Apocrypha were not added to the Catholic canon until after the Reformation in the 15th-16th century. The Apostles’ Creed was developed well before then. Additionally, “holy catholic church” is not a reference to the Roman Catholic Church, but the universal church.

What if the government, like it already is starting to in some states, legalizes weed?

Ephesians 5:18 applies. Christians are not to come under control of anything other than God.

Today's message was about true history. Jesus died for our sins. He paid the price for our sin; which is death. This being true; then is it possible to believe that we can live forever without suffering death.

The Bible speaks of two deaths: one physical and the other spiritual. Salvation does not prevent physical death.

Joseph Smith and the plates is part of history with the Mormon community. How true is that? 

To my knowledge there is no evidence that supports those claims.

Speaking of the Dan Brown book, why would Jesus being married make him less God?

The issue with Dan Brown’s book is the veracity of his sources.

If you die from drugs do you go to hell?

No. We will discuss heaven/hell this coming week.

Can you explain the Trinity in a way that will make me believe in it? Because I do not think, for some reason, that Jesus is God. I think they are completely separate entities. If God literally had a son would He not be in the same form and not a human?

Describing the Trinity is very difficult but remains central to core Christian beliefs. Remember, the reason Jesus was killed was that He claimed to be God. The very earliest hymns we have of the church speak of Jesus as God.
The earliest Christians long debated this issue and came to the conclusion that Jesus was both fully God and fully man. I John and Colossians are written, in part, to demonstrate that Jesus is God.
Also, the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus as the Son, has always existed. He just entered history in what we call “Christmas.” God, being God, is free to take on any form He desires. Some of the confusion comes because we often refer to the Trinity as the “persons of the Trinity”. However, it is probably more accurate to describe them as personalities. Therefore, God subsists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; God is one in essence, but three in personality or distinction within the Godhead.

How do you know the whole Bible isn’t just a parable? 

Because the various books and authors are clear about what genre or type of literature they are using. They use poetry, historical narrative, parables, proverbs, and letters to communicate the message and story of God. Additionally, Jesus certainly did not interpret the OT as a parable, but treated it as actual history and revelation from God.

Why do we break the laws if Jesus said it wouldn't pass away until heaven and earth passed away? 

What laws? Jesus fulfilled some laws, such as the sacrificial system, the dietary laws, etc. In Acts 10, God specifically declares all food and animals “clean”, which replaces the OT dietary laws. Therefore, Christians say that Jesus fulfilled the laws of the old covenant. However, the moral laws of God are still in effect and Jesus gives His disciples the desire and ability to keep these laws as “new creations” in Christ who have the law of God written on their hearts (Jeremiah 31:33).

Why is the religion of the Israelites wrong? 

The story of Israel is incredibly important as it culminates in the revelation of Jesus. The Jewish faith is incomplete with Christ.