Thursday, May 26, 2011

Signs of Progress: Latest on Beth

We are profoundly moved and grateful for so many prayers, acts of kindness and generosity, and support as Beth's recovery continues.  I was overwhelmed by so many heartfelt inquiries and genuine interest over the weekend.
This adversity has definitely been teaching us that God while God values prayer, He especially values persistence and perseverance in prayer (Luke 18:1). Thank you Rock Bridge, family and friends all over for continuing to pray for Beth and our family!! Know and trust that God is working -- medically yes, but also in ways that go far beyond the physical healing we seek for Beth.
Here is where we are:

  • The latest scan revealed that all of the Epstein-Barr "sites" in Beth's body are significantly smaller, except a slight increase in the size of a site on her liver (within the test's margin of error).

    • The doctors are very encouraged and optimistic about these results.  The T-cell therapy is working but it does take time and Beth's immune system is still not able to fight off the virus on its own.  She will receive at least 2 more doses of EBV-fighting T-cells (apparently T-cells are sort of like highly trained SEAL teams :)

  • We are still in the hospital.

    • Her throat is healing and one scab/sore remains.  As this heals, Beth will be able to eat and drink more and then she should be able to be released. This could be this weekend or the first of next week.

  • Will Beth be able to come home in late June, at the post-transplant 6-month mark?

    • While that question is on our minds, the doctors are not discussing it at this point.  Getting home in late June has always been an estimate and somewhat of a moving target.  The doctors' goal is getting rid of the EB virus and helping Beth's immune system get to a point of self-sufficiency where she will be able to fight off viruses, bacteria, & fungi on her own and thus be much more protected ... and we are not there yet. We could get 'there' by late June (pray!), but that is uncertain at this point.

  • The Epstein-Barr virus in post-bone marrow transplant patients is very serious ... more so than we thought, knew or imagined.  The treatments are complex and take time to produce the desired results.  However, they are working, Beth is fighting, and we are praying!! God is in way more control than I ever knew and God's love is way deeper than I understood back in November when Beth was first diagnosed ... and with His sovereignty and grace at work, our work is to rest.

Seeking to rest,


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekly Rundown (5.22.11)

  • Finished Modern Family today.  Can honestly say this was a great and needed series for us.  Already hearing stories of people freed, marriages moving from divorce to restoration, and salvations!  Soli deo gloria!

  • Baptism ... what can I say?! God gave us this command to remind us of His salvation and His power.  I believe public, bold baptisms are also a great encouragement to those who have already been saved.  Baptism reminds us that God is still mighty to save and our work to evangelize and connected the disconnected is not in vain!

  • Sign-up for E-GIVE!

    • During the summer months our church attendance is less consistent which translates into lower offerings to the church.  However, our mission continues and God's work does not let up ... even in the summer.  So E-Give not only helps you give automatically and consistently even when you can't physically put something in the offering during a worship service; it also keeps our church's ministries and missions going strong year round.

    • To sign-up go to and click on "Give".  You'll need your checking account number and your bank's "routing number" (found on a personal check).  It's simple and easy.

  • Our Calhoun campus' new building is ready: NEXT Sunday at either 9:30 or 11:00 am (going to 2 services too!).

    • I toured the building on Friday and WOW!! It is amazing.  It is at the old Piggly Wiggly location right off Highway 41.

    • Praying God uses the building to further His mission, advance His kingdom, and increase RBCC's impact for Him in Gordon County!!

  • Update on Beth: Thanks so much for asking and staying faithful to pray for her and our family.

    • She is still in the hospital and may get released by mid-week. Her throat area is still healing and now shedding the scabs so eating and drinking has been difficult.

    • We expect to have another PET scan this week to determine how well all this treatment has worked against the Epstein-Barr virus.  This "EBV" continues to be our biggest concern and obstacle so we are praying it is all gone!!

    • Prayer requests:

      • The complete and final defeat of the Epstein-Barr virus in Beth's body.

      • Healing for her throat area and the ability to eat and drink normally again.

      • T-cell production to ramp up (several of the medicines she had to take lately suppress this part of the immune system)!!

      • For the family of our dear friend, Edwin who passed away last week from a post-transplant infection.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Latest on Beth: Post-Surgery

Beth's tonsils and adenoids were removed today.  The biggest "reservoir" for the EB virus was there and now it is gone!  The surgery went well.  Beth has a lot of swelling in her tongue, mouth, and throat but she is able to rest.

Beth still has the EB virus in her body, mainly in the abdomen area.  The doctors are hopeful that by removing the largest concentration of it (in her throat area), this will free up her immune system to fight the virus  more effectively in other areas of her body.  Additionally, she is receiving medicine and "T-cell therapy" to further tip the scales in our favor against EBV.

Your thoughts, prayers, texts, Facebook messages, love, and support are so appreciated.  They comfort and strengthen us as we know God in His sovereignty and grace has ordained prayer as a means to receive His mercy and glorify the One in Whose Name we pray.  I know the church took time on Wednesday to pray for Beth specifically.  It worked: the doctors got control over Beth's pain, she (we) got much needed sleep, and the surgery was successful.

We do feel like we took a step forward today in the fight against EBV and toward recovery.  We still are praying for complete healing from EBV, immune system growth and strength, comfort and rest while recovering from surgery, and continued overall recovery from the entire transplant process.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Update on Beth: Back in the Hospital

Today Beth was readmitted to the hospital (she had been in an outpatient status since mid-January).  We are awaiting some test results but the likely culprit is the Epstein-Barr virus which is causing some intestinal-abdominal problems, including pain and weight loss.  To be safe and to ensure Beth gets fluids and nutrients, the doctors decided to hospitalize her through the tonsillectomy.
So while this feels like a step backwards, we are hopeful this enables her to take lots of steps forward in the coming days.

Prayer Requests:
For EBV to go away and stay away.
For relief from pain and discomfort.
For sleep.
For successful surgery to remove tonsils (scheduled for Friday morning).
For Beth's graft (new bone marrow) to remain strong and keep producing more healthy cells.
For our friend, Edwin who is in serious condition (you can read his Caring Bridge update here).

Lastly, we continue to pray for and encourage prayer for the victims of the terrible tornadoes that struck our area and much of the Deep South a week ago.

While we hurt, we rest in God's Sovereignty even in the midst of suffering, the overcoming of evil on the Cross, the communion we now have with God in Christ, and the hope of heaven.


Monday, May 2, 2011

A Blog to Catch-up

So much has happened in the past 5 days that I felt like a quick blog just to catch-up would be worth it.  From storm relief to the death of Osama to "How is Beth?" and the launch of a new series ... here goes:

The loss and grief is almost hard to bear, especially when this is home or so close to home.  Please continue to pray for God's comfort, strength, and hope to be alive in these affected areas.
The response of supplies and volunteers (and the necessary coordination efforts) have been amazing. Rock Bridge, we are BEING the church.  You can stay updated via our web site and Facebook pages.

This blog post by Pastor J.D. Greear is worth the read.  "Thinking About Osama"

It appears Part 1 of this series struck a nerve in our church.  I'm praying for all the conversations taking place right now, asking God to bring clarity and courage into families, marriages, and singles.  I'll address some questions that have already been raised at the start of Part 2 this weekend.  This is a great series to invite a guest and to make sure your WHOLE family is in church! Please pray that God's Word is made clear and God's Spirit works in all our lives.  I know some of what we have (and will) cover will be uncomfortable and challenging at times; however, if we keep our eyes on God, lean into His grace, and follow Him no matter what ... it will be worth it!!

Still fighting the Epstein-Barr Virus which at times makes her very uncomfortable.  We think the doctors will remove her tonsils on Friday since the bulk of the infection is in that area.  We need prayer for healing, for comfort, and for strength.  Someone called me several months ago and quoted a Scripture in a voice message to me that has been the basis for how I pray for her.

Isaiah 41:10-13 {NIV}
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. “All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.