Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekly Rundown (10.20.08)

  • Kicked off Dirty Jobs message series yesterday.  Good video work and I think this is going to be a very practical series for us.

  • We're hosting a construction conference for CoGun on Tuesday this week in Stage 123.  This company has been amazing to work with on our campus expansion project.  The keynote speaker is Dave Ferguson who is mega-church pastor in Chicago and multi-site guru. Can't wait to spend some time with him.

  • I'm really praying for more discipline and self-control in my life, especially when it comes to my time with God.  I've tried to balance working out and time with God all in the morning and it is tough.  I'm either getting to bed too late or something.  But I've decided to give God the top priority in the morning.  I'm a morning person and at my best then (after a shower of course).  I just can't keep neglecting or short changing this ... it's too important for my walk with God.

  • The Dawgs got a win vs. Vandy. But they have to raise their level of play the next 2 weeks or it could be ugly.

  • Fall Festival is in <2 weeks: Oct. 29th (Dalton) & Nov. 1st (Calhoun).

  • I'm heading back to Dallas, TX in November.  I'm ready.  I need a good dose of wisdom & encouragement from some amazing pastors and church leaders.

  • I'm loving this Fall weather!

  • Here's a question that God is stretching me with:  Do we really know the full power of prayer?

  • Our new web site is up!!  (still We've got some more stuff to add but the basic layout looks great!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

God & the Economy (part 2)

As a follow-up to yesterday's post, here are some basic principles (from Andy Stanley) to follow to begin investing eternally and following God financially:

PRIORITY GIVING.  This means begin giving back to God first.  Don't give God the left overs.  The first check after you get paid should be to God.  Give to God right away as a priority giver.  He owns it all and asks that we put Him first in everything.  This habit builds recognition into your life that God is indeed the owner, and it puts more discipline into your financial choices.

PERCENTAGE GIVING.  This means giving back to God a percentage of our income.  The Bible teaches a practice called "tithing" which equals 10%.  In other words, for every $10 you make, you give God back $1.  That's a pretty good deal since He owns it all anyway! So what happens if you simply cannot give 10% because of too much debt, bad choices, job cut backs, etc.? First, see what adjustments you can make in your budget, and then pick a percentage and start giving that with the goal of getting to 10% or greater.  For example,  start with 2% for a few months and then jump to 3% ... 7% ... until you get to an actual 'tithe.'  Picking a % to give builds order and discipline into your budget and financial life.  It's a simple an easy step.  God will walk with you as you step with Him toward a life of full obedience.

PROMPTED GIVING.  The Bible is full of examples when individuals, churches, and in some cases cities & nations were prompted to give above and beyond the tithe to God's causes.  The Tent of Meeting (Moses) and Solomon's Temple were all built by giving prompted by God's Holy Spirit working through God's people.  Sometimes you'll hear of a specific need and God will simply "prompt" you to give.  Our Next Step campaign is an example of prompted giving, where our church responded to God's call to expand our campus for His ministry purposes.  The key is to be open and willing to respond whenever God prompts you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

God & the Economy

Ever since we held the financial seminars last week, I've been thinking a lot about what God's economic policy might look like. 

God is all about stewardship while the world promotes ownership.  Understanding the fact that God owns everything (yes, everything) is fundamental to understanding how God views money.  Once you accept this truth, the next steps are easy.  When the stock market drops, taxes are raised, or someone dies we get reminded that we really don't own anything and can't take anything with us.

God views everything from an eternal perspective not a temporary one.  The world is fixated with economic cycles, bull and bear markets, growth and cut backs.  God sees everything from the lens of eternity.  Money is simply a tool to use ... either for eternal or temporary purposes.

God has an investment strategy that is eternally safe.  Investing is a generally a good thing but as millions of Americans learned, investments are never 100% safe.  However, investing eternally by living generously, giving sacrificially, and tithing is the only sure investment there is.  Why? Because God promises He will reward "kingdom" investments!!  These investments are 100% safe & guaranteed by the holy character of God.  These investments yield amazing returns because you simply cannot outgive God.  Yes, we may have to wait until heaven to enjoy the returns ... but think about it -- would you rather enjoy the return for a few decades perhaps or for all of eternity?!?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekly Rundown (9.12.08)

  • Took almost 2 weeks off from blogging ... so I want to get things started again with a big: HOW 'BOUT THEM DAWGS!

  • Carll and I finished out our Hostage series today.  I really enjoyed preaching this series and believe God has and will continue to use it in people's lives.

  • The financial seminar last week at both our campuses was great! Chris Simuro did a wonderful job teaching sound financial principles and explaining our nation/world's current crisis.

  • My parents went to Hawaii!!  (I went while in the Navy ... so beautiful and Pearl Harbor is a must for every American.)

  • We start a new series next week called Dirty Jobs ... don't miss it and invite a friend.

  • I watched the Saturday Night Live special parody on the debate this week ... hysterical!

  • For some strange reason I ran twice in one day.  One 25-minute run and then a 20-minute run in the evening.  What was I thinking?!?  My body has been asking my brain that all day!!

  • Got to give a shout out to all our Host Team folks in Dalton & Calhoun.  You make so many people feel so welcome and it makes a huge difference in people's worship experience.

  • A two-hour 24 special is coming out in November ... Jack is back!!