Monday, February 28, 2011

Update on Beth: Still Fighting EBV

Today Beth was once again positive for the Epstein-Barr Virus (she was negative late last week).  Her body is obviously fighting this infection but because her immune system is still "young" and not fully developed, the virus is not going away quickly or easily.

Most adults (95%) carry the EB virus, but their "T-cells" keep the virus inactive.  In Beth's case, she has very few "T-cells" to fight off this virus since T-cells tend to develop several months after transplant so the virus is "active" in her blood (pray for more T-cells!).

The doctors still hope her body can fight off this virus naturally and without treatment; however, they are close to giving her a special medicine to kill off the EB virus. There are some potential risks with this drug but the rewards far outweigh risks.

Prayer Requests:

  • For EB virus to finally be eliminated.

    • Specifically, pray for Beth's immune system to overcome and defeat the virus.

    • However, if medical treatment is necessary, pray it works and pray for no side effects.

  • The past 3 weeks have been very "up and down" with several "bumps on the road to recovery" (that's why Beth has been a little absent on Facebook, tweets, texts, etc.). Please pray we just start moving forward again with recovery!

  • Pray for our friend Edwin, who is hospitalized for "CMV" (another type of virus transplant patients are susceptible to).

And THANK YOU so much for the prayers, cards, messages (Facebook, tweets, texts), and gifts ... God really does comfort and strengthen through His people, the Church!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekly Rundown (2.27.2011)

  • At the last minute, I decided to stay in NYC this week with Beth (who is fighting some infections) and not "commute" to Georgia to teach.  I just want to thank our incredibly flexible and capable staff!! This them to do a lot of "hoop jumping" and I just appreciate them so much!!

    • The positive for me was I am a little more ahead with sermon preparation and study ... and I have not felt this close to my Savior in a long, long time; so I'm thankful for the hidden graces that God keeps letting me find even in the middle of the long battle we are fighting.

  • Our group leaders from Dalton & Chatsworth had some great training on Saturday.  The more I study Scripture and the "Trinity" of God, the more convinced I am of the power of community -- doing life together!

    • Life together is the epicenter of being the church.

  • Got to visit a really amazing church today called, Apostles Church.  Often times I am guilty of going to other churches to "evaluate" them but today I connected to God in worship and through the teaching of His Word ... very refreshing! {I'll blog more later on this.}

  • As part of our missions investment this week, we will giving money to help with the tragic earthquake in New Zealand.

    • Generosity reflects the heart of God.

    • Giving in Jesus' Name is never an expense but always an investment.

  • Remember Vision Weekend is coming up (March 10/13).  Who are you bringing?!?

  • Had coffee with one of my college roommates this weekend.  Felt like we picked up right where we left off ... great friend and sailor.

  • An update on Beth: her body has been fighting the EB virus and late last week the lab results showed she was negative for it (Yea!). Then she developed some head congestion and a sore throat.  They tested her on Friday for the flu (and some other things but we don't know final results yet). We'll see the doctors again on Monday.  Please pray for her comfort and for her immune system to beat back these infections.

  • God bless and have a great week!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Vision Beyond Stained Glass

I vividly remember a conversation I had back in 2002 when our church was less than a year old.  I was talking with a visitor who was asking a lot of questions about our church. Most of their questions were related to various "programs" or "ministries" that we did not have but they wanted, and I think they even mentioned a desire for stained glass windows.  Obviously, this person came from a churched background as do I.  I remember replying something to the effect of "If those are the things that are essential to you, then we are not your church. But if you want to be part of a big, God-given vision ... then we are trying to be that church."

I have nothing against wanting certain ministries or programs in a church, and I have nothing against stained glass windows.  I was discipled by a church with those things and I thank God for that church. However, let's face it:  Jesus gave us a vision that is far beyond what most of us expect or experience in a local church.

This is why we have to constantly raise our eyes beyond what we see and what we know to what God reveals and what His Word says is possible.  We must raise our expectations beyond our own experiences and preferences and pray to God who says He'll do more than we "ask or imagine" to bring glory to Himself through His church (Ephesians 3:20-21).

The funny thing is that almost a decade later we still do not have many of the programs and ministries that person mentioned and we certainly do not have stained glass ... but we are still trying to be driven by a God-given vision that goes beyond what we currently know and what we personally prefer.

I'm sure many of you are like me in that life and kids' schedules and bills and TV often become the extent of my "vision" ... but God loves us too much to let us settle for less than His best.   This is why at least annually we take an entire weekend and devote it to God's vision for Rock Bridge. This year our Vision Weekend will be on March 10th (Rock Bridge PM) and 13th.  And we need your help:

  • Pray for me.  Pray that I may hear and see in faith God's vision and share it clearly.  I need the springs of living water (John 7:38) to refresh me and flow within me.

  • Pray for our church.  We need a fresh manifestation of God's presence.  We need to be Spirit-led to glorify Christ, to hunger for His Word, to be doers of the Word, and to worship Him with passion.

  • Pray for the the churches in our community and world. We need healthy churches. We need new churches.

  • Pray for people who do not have a church family. They are missing so much love, so much truth, and so much of God in their life!!  Pray for churches to fill up with people that can be loved to the Cross!

  • Pray for people who do not know Jesus. Pray that the veil over their hearts is torn so they can see their need for Christ and see Him as their Savior, treasure, and Lord.  Pray for people to be saved.

  • Do YOUR part! Everyone can pray, most everyone can serve, and most everyone can invite someone to church.  Please ask God for the opportunity to bring an unchurched friend or relative with you to church over Vision Weekend. Please ask God to draw people into a relationship with Himself.  Please ask God to use you!

  • Expect God to move.  Not because we deserve a move of God or because we are doing anything to cause it, but because God promises to work through His church and His people!

Fighting to see with you & praying to see God move through you,


Thursday, February 17, 2011

An Update on Beth: Prayers Needed

This week we learned that Beth's blood work showed low levels of the Epstein-Barr Virus (or EBV).  This is the virus that can cause "mono". About 95% of adults carry the EB virus but their immune system keeps it from advancing or making them sick/symptomatic.  However, after a Bone Marrow Transplant the immune system has to develop and produce new "T-cells" (the specific type of white cells that work to fight infections).  T-cells take time to grow and mature in order to successfully fight infections (one of the many reasons Beth has to stay in NYC, near the hospital, and be checked 2 times a week by her doctors).

Because Beth's immune system is not fully developed, her body's ability to fight this virus is significantly reduced.  This virus can even enter certain organs (usually throat area and lymph nodes). They will be doing a "PET" scan tomorrow to check Beth's organs for any signs of infection.  The doctors are confident that they caught this very early and have several options for treatment but it still is another "battle" for Beth to fight physically ... for us to join the fight in prayer.

Prayer Requests:

  • Beth's immune system is producing T-cells (Praise!); pray that these cells can successfully counteract EBV and no "treatment" is needed!

  • A clear PET scan tomorrow: organs to stay healthy.

  • Our friend Edwin who is post-transplant and also fighting a virus infection.

Thanks so much for your prayers!! We continue to need them and rely on them to help us in this long fight.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekly Rundown (2.13.2011)

A little different approach to this week's rundown -- here's some quotes and thoughts that have run through my mind this week.

  • The people are saying, "Surely there is going to be a great work now, there is such a great choir and congregation and so many ministers." It is not by might or power, but by God's Spirit, and we have got to get our eyes off of all these things, and there will be no work and no blessing until this is done. We have not come with any new Gospel; it is the old Gospel, the old story, and we want the old power, the power of the Holy Ghost; and if it is anything less than that, it will all come to naught. [from Dwight Moody's first sermon to kick-off a 50-day 1876 evangelistic crusade in New York City]

    • My conviction:  It is easier to plan an event, program a ministry, and use talented people than humbly depend on the power of God.

  • Do people leave church saying, "What a song!", "What a message!", "What a crowd!" ... OR "What a God!!" [paraphrase of Francis Chan]

    • My fear:  The temptation is strong to define church "health" and success by how well it pleases people instead of how much of God is present.

  • "We are Ruth Chris, not Golden Corral." [Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church]  (Translation:  Ruth Chris is known for great steaks; Golden Corral is known for having a little bit of everything but nothing really special).

    • My thought:  Excellence and influence come from being deliberately simple.  We must fight complexity and fight the temptation to ADD things at the expense of the MAIN thing.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weekly Rundown (2.6.11)

  • Today our Tech team unveiled a new center screen video capability in the Wink Theatre (check out the picture here!).  This gives the Wink Theatre the same video screen shots that Calhoun, Chatsworth, and Stage 123 have.

    • Great work to our Tech volunteers and ministry for making this happen!

    • Love how technology can serve the Kingdom and accelerate the spreading of God's Word!

  • Message review: How we receive God's comfort during suffering --

    • God comforts us through His sovereignty over suffering and the unchanging goodness of His character.

    • God comforts us through our Christian brothers & sisters/our church family.

    • God comforts us through the suffering of Himself as God the Son on the Cross.

    • God comforts us in suffering by decreasing self-reliance which increases God-reliance and our satisfaction in Him.

    • God comforts us through prayer.

  • We start a new series next weekend called, No Dropped Calls -- we'll be talking about praying with assurance.

  • Dates are set for Vision Week at Rock Bridge: March 10th (Rock Bridge PM) and March 13th.

    • This is the BIG time each year where we remind ourselves who we are as a church.

    • GREAT, PERFECT, INCREDIBLE time to invite a guest/friend to church with you!! Begin praying NOW and seeking opportunities now to reach out to someone who needs Christ and a church family!!

  • Our multi-site campuses continue to show the viability and potential this strategy has for reaching and discipling people for God's glory:

    • CHATSWORTH: amazing perseverance through several heat issues; the set-up/take-down dedication is inspiring and worth it!  Love how this team of volunteers is constantly trying to improve and get better for God's glory ... THANK YOU for a great first year!!

    • CALHOUN:  getting ready to move into first permanent facility after 3 1/2 years! Generosity is growing to reflect Christ's generosity to us and the Spirit of God is maturing this campus in ways glory Christ and His bride!

  • Missions:

    • Let's all commit to praying for Egypt ... that the door for the Gospel will open wider!

    • Vision trip to Ethiopia is taking shape for mid-June to begin partnering with a local congregation.

    • 6000 people groups in the world have never heard about Jesus Christ: Pray! Give! Go!

  • Have a great week :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Sure Way to Miss God (and not even know it)

A few weeks ago as part of our Faith Pirates series, we talked about King Asa's wisdom & leadership.  However, there was part of the story we did not cover.  For years Asa relied on God and lead his people to seek Him.  Yet toward the end of his reign, he relied on his own wisdom, talents and strengths when faced with a threat from King Baasha (see 2 Chronicles 16).  Unlike the previous threat, Asa never sought God, instead he relied on his own political and diplomatic skills to forge an alliance with the king of Aram against Baasha.  Here's the scary part:  his plan worked.  The threat from Baasha subsided and peace was preserved but he left God on the sidelines.

Depending on ourselves can bring success to our lives ...

This means we can work hard, do our best, use our "brains" & talents, take matters into our own hands ... and see positive results ... and yet miss God.  We can even think we are "blessed" because we have avoided trouble, made extra money, drawn a big crowd, earned accolades, or reached a certain level of achievement.  However, God sees it differently because God defines success differently. God defines success as faithfulness to Him and whenever we create or cause "success" apart from Him, He says we are "foolish."

In 2 Chronicles 16:7-9, Asa is rebuked for not relying on God and told that he would have had an even greater victory over Baasha if he had relied on God.

Depending on ourselves can bring success to our lives ... but it keeps us from experiencing God's best.

And God's best only comes when we are fully reliant, fully committed, and fully surrendered to Him. As A.W. Tozer said, "We have measured ourselves by ourselves until the incentive to seek higher plateaus in the Spirit is all but gone."

  • When I have a financial choice to make, this means I pray and study the Scripture BEFORE choosing to save, invest, or give ... realizing that relying on God sometimes means very radically UN-relying on money (Matthew 6:24).

  • When I prepare a sermon, this means spending MORE time with the Scriptures than with commentaries or other books ... realizing that the with the Bible comes the promise that a harvest will be reaped (Isaiah 55:11).

  • When I preach, this means trusting the power of God's Word and Gospel, MORE than my presentation ... realizing that Paul intentionally preached in a way that minimized himself while maximizing God (1 Cor. 2:3-5).

  • When I have a potential opportunity before me, this means I pause and wait on God (never to delay obedience), allowing my preferences and instincts to be submitted entirely to His will ... realizing that God's wisdom and timing are not mine (Isaiah 55:8).

  • When I deal with people, this means my attitude must be humility and my actions must seek to honor others ahead of myself ... realizing that God's relational rules come from the Cross (Philippians 2:3-5).

God, may I never think that what I do apart from You can bring Your blessings.  May I never mistake the results of hard work for the genuine work of Your Spirit.  Instead, lead me beyond myself for only there do You become fully alive and only there is life full & abundant.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

An Update on Beth: Remission!

Today Dr. Boulad called with the results of Beth's latest bone marrow biopsy:

  • Her bone marrow is 100% donor.  The doctor called it "pristine".  In other words, there is no evidence of any leukemia cells.

  • There are no chromosome abnormalities in her marrow.  Chromosome abnormalities are part of the Fanconi Anemia disorder that leads to bone marrow failure.

  • Beth is now in "remission" from leukemia.

We are so thankful and humbled for this grace from God!

Prayer Requests:

  • Continue to pray for Beth's immune system to strengthen and develop.

    • Specifically, pray for T-cells and B-cells (2 specific types of while blood cells).  These are the last cells to develop after transplant and critical to immune function.  They typically first appear about 3-5 months after transplant.

  • Pray for protection against Graft Vs. Host Disease and infections.

  • Pray for our friend Edwin.