Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Rundown (1.13.2013)

Today reminded me of 2 things: 1-why I love Rock Bridge and 2-why I love and am so passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We launched Rock Bridge Ringgold today. We will launch TWO SERVICES next week in Ringgold. What happened? People came--lots of them. But even more our Rock Bridgers did the right things, things God promises to honor in His way, in His time, and for His glory. Rock Bridgers prayed, invited, served, and executed with excellence. This is why I love THIS church. People are committed to the mission God has given us.

But this is what the gospel creates. An army of passionate, sold-out warriors for Christ who believe the gates of Hell will never prevail over God's church. The gospel inspires sacrifice; the gospel creates people who consistently put others ahead of themselves; the gospel creates people free to love; the gospel frees us from bondage to sin; the gospel removes our shame and guilt; the gospel creates people who are committed to God's glory; the gospel creates the church!

Rock Bridgers, throughout this series "MADE IN CHRIST" let's refresh ourselves with the Gospel -- let's worship the God who saved and satisfies us; let's invite hurting, broken, lost, confused, doubting people to a church service in one of the 4 counties we serve; let's pray for a fresh move of the gospel's power; and above all, let's be committed to God's glory more than anything else.

A Rundown summary:

  • Don't forget about the "Made In Christ" Bible reading plan.

  • Who are you praying comes to have "life in Christ" in 2013?

  • Spread the word that Rock Bridge Ringgold is now at TWO services starting next Sunday (1/20)--9:30 & 11:00 am.

  • Considering taking a Rock Bridge mission trip? Click here for more information:

  • Never forget that IN CHRIST, your hope is eternally secure and God's love is unending!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Prayer For Someone Without Christ

I pray we are all given opportunities to BUILD & BRING this week: build a relationship to bring to Christ. We open a new campus and start a new series for a new year this coming weekend. Great opportunity to INVITE someone to church with you. I want to share a prayer that you can use for someone you know that needs Jesus and/or a church home.

Lord God,

I know You are mighty to save because You saved me. Thank you for the gift, miracle, and joy of my salvation. However, I am also burdened for those who do not know You.  My heart's desire and prayer to You is that _____ might be saved  (Romans 10:1).

I pray that _____ could grasp how wide and long and high and deep Your love is -- and that they might be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from You, Lord (Eph. 3:18-19).

Father, enable me to work at bringing _____ to Christ. I know Your will for me is to share You with others but I'm fearful and weak so I start in prayer asking You to give me an opportunity (Colossians 4:3) to share Your love with _____ and invite him/her to church. Give me boldness to share the greatest news in all of eternity (Acts 4:29). Use me to open their eyes so that You may be clearly seen (Acts 26:17-18). Make Your work through Christ so comprehensible and clear to _____ and give him/her eyes to see the glory of the Gospel in Christ in their heart. (2 Cor. 4:6).

I pray this for the glory of Your Name and the advance of Your eternal kingdom!