Sunday, December 16, 2012

Responding to the Reality of Evil

This past Friday our nation was struck again by the reality of evil. This time the evil was directed primarily at innocent and precious little children. This tragedy is heartbreaking, and we mourn with our fellow Americans in Newtown, Connecticut. This is the time to weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15b). This is not the time for spiritual platitudes. We must feel this as a people, taking comfort from the shortest but perhaps most telling words that describe our Savior's response to death: "Jesus wept" (John 11:35).

The reality that Friday's massacre reminds us of is that this world is broken, not right, unjust, and in disrepair. Our own hearts and consciences testify that there should be another way and that this is not the way the world should be. Why is that? Because intuitively we know there is a standard of goodness and justice that ought to rule the world but does not ... at this time in history.

2000 years ago another town (Bethlehem) grieved the loss of innocents when King Herod ordered the slaughter of all boys under the age of 2 in an attempt to destroy the Christ Child (see Matthew 2:16-18). Despite the evil that occurred that day, Herod failed to destroy Christ and the hope He brought to the world. 33 years later that Child, now a Man, was Himself murdered unjustly. He did not escape the reality of evil either. Then 3 days later, He rose from the dead to demonstrate that justice can and will prevail, goodness can and will win, and death does not have the final say. The words to the third verse of "Joy to the World" offer a timely reminder:

No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.

The curse manifested itself once again in Newtown, Connecticut as it has all over the world and all throughout history. And so we mourn and we cry. But "as far the curse is found," the hope and joy of Christ prevails. This is why we ARE the church, this is why we must BE the church, this is why we must LIVE the reality of a hope that evil cannot take away ... so that people will ask us the REASON for the HOPE that we have (I Peter 3:15).

In deep hurt and hope,



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dalton Rock Bridge PM Time Change!!

Dalton Rock Bridge PM is at 6:00 pm this week (Thursday, December 6th). Please help spread the word!
This is due to the annual Christmas parade. The parade route will cause some roads near the church to be closed.

(Rock Bridge PM in Calhoun remains at 6:30 pm.)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Satisfied Recap

We just wrapped up the “Satisfied” series this weekend. Praying God’s Word bears fruit in our lives! Here’s a recap of this series:

We all have to deal with discontentment in our lives. It will drive us somewhere. In doing so, discontentment has the potential to dethrone Jesus or enthrone Him.
Big question: Does my salvation bring contentment? Is Jesus just a ticket to heaven for later or treasure to enjoy now and forever?

We are all driven by the desire to have a certain standard of living. When God gave Jesus (His standard of giving), He changed our standard of living. Instead of holding onto things tightly, now we hold them loosely while holding onto Christ as the real standard of living.
Big question: What is driving my standard of living?

We all experience “gaps” between our expectations and our reality. We’ll try to fill those gaps with many things, and often develop a critical spirit or attitude of negativity. However, God asks us to fill those gaps with thankfulness. Thankfulness comes from recognizing what really matters and responding in gratitude.
Big question: Is my thankfulness dependent on having a quantity of things or having the superior quality of Christ?

Giving away money is part of your satisfaction equation. Despite the fact that this makes no sense in our culture, God prescribes giving as a critical component of contentment and satisfaction. We cannot experience all of God’s sufficiency without giving as a response to Him. God as owner of all things, lovingly asks us to steward His gifts. Part of stewardship is returning a percentage back to God in a way that is driven by faith, joy, and worship. The ultimate goal of giving is to trust God’s ability to satisfy you so much that you are live generously.
Big question: Will you evaluate your finances to become a percentage giver? Would you assess your current level of giving as generous?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Amazing: 4 Events, 4 Counties!

I haven't blogged since June; I want to end my blog "fast" with a simple "THANK YOU!" to our church for the incredible fall events.
We did four events in four counties over the past few days ... just to give something free and fun to the areas God has placed us; just to communicate that Rock Bridge is FOR the people, the families, the children of Gordon, Murray, Catoosa, and Whitfield counties; just to be a small reflection of Who Jesus is.

So THANK YOU ROCK BRIDGE: for giving (everything we did for the community was FREE ... like the gift of God described in Romans 6:23 and 2 Cor. 9:15); for serving; for inviting; and for ultimately, representing Christ!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Sin of Weak Affections [Jonathan Edwards]

Below is the quote referenced in this weekend's message:

“Our external delights, our earthly pleasures, our ambition, our reputation, and our human relationships, for all these things, our desires are eager, our appetites strong, our love warm and affectionate. When it comes to these things, our hearts are tender and sensitive, deeply impressed, easily moved, much concerned and greatly engaged. We are depressed at our losses and we are excited and joyful about any worldly success or prosperity. But when it comes to spiritual matters, how dull we feel.

How heavy and hard our hearts; we can sit and hear of the infinite height and length and breadth and love of God in Christ Jesus, of his giving his infinitely dear Son, and yet sit there, cold and unmoved. If we are going to be excited about anything, shouldn’t it be our spiritual lives? Is there anything more inspiring, more exciting, more loveable and desirable in Heaven or on Earth than the Gospel of Jesus Christ? We should be utterly humbled that we are not more emotionally affected than we are.”

{Jonathan Edwards}



Sunday, June 24, 2012

Processing Ethiopia

A group from Rock Bridge returned home this week from an 8-day trip to Ethiopia. Our trip continued to explore and develop our relationship with Compassion International, including a developing partnership with a local church in Awassa, Ethiopia. Additionally, we were able to visit Malissa Cawood, one of our members who serves in Ethiopia as a teacher. Trip highlights included:

  • Visiting a Child Survivorship Program, including visits to slum housing.

  • Overviewing Compassion's extensive work in Ethiopia on behalf of children through local churches.

  • Meeting and playing with the children Rock Bridge members sponsor. Awesome!

  • Deepening our relationship with our "church-t0-church" partner in Awassa.

    • I was able to preach in their Sunday service through a translator ... incredible experience.

    • Ben Honeycutt was able to help lead worship, including a song that had both Amharic and English lyrics = a foretaste of heaven!

    • We had extensive meetings with the church's elders to hear and understand their compelling vision to reach and minister to people.

While I'm still processing everything, here are some thoughts so far:

*Christianity is for ALL peoples & ALL nations. I was convicted about living in my "Western-American-Southern-NW GA bubble" when the God I worship is global and offering Himself to all peoples. I think my vision of God is bigger and my heart for missions is stronger. I am convinced we must press forward to be a church engaged locally and globally for the cause of Christ.

*Compassion Child Sponsorships make an incredible difference. For $38 a month the entire life trajectory of a family can be changed. I visited 4 homes of sponsored children, most of which were one room shacks with 5-9 people living in them. In every case, they shared how the sponsorship had allowed their child to receive an education, medical care, clothes, and weekly Bible study. In every case, they had pictures of  their sponsor family and the letters that had been sent to them. In every case, their joy was high, their gratitude genuine, and their hope strong.

WRITE YOUR SPONSOR CHILD: Even more than the $38, these children & families want to know us and pray for us! My child's mom told me I was in effect his "dad". These relationships, even though long distance and cross-cultural matter and make a difference.
Compassion makes it very easy to write your child via email from their web site; you can even upload pictures (which the families love!). Click HERE to create an account or login so you can write your child -- it matters!

Worship fuels missions. Most of the time we focus on secondary reasons to do missions: poverty, economic distress, disaster relief, neglect, etc. These are very important but not ultimate. The primary reason we do missions is the glory of God demands it and worship of Him fuels it. God is worthy to be praised by all peoples all over the world, but He is not. Why? Because He must first be revealed. God has chosen to reveal Himself through His people. His worth fuels our service and our mission. We want more people to worship the God Who is worthy. Before we see statistics of people who live apart from Christ and of starving children, let's see God in all His worth and then let's go with all our might wherever He sends us!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Your Feedback

Our staff and elders are always asking ourselves tough questions related to the work God has called our church to do. We also look at prayer requests, listen to our small groups, pray, follow your God stories, and track a lot of data to examine effectiveness.
However, from time to time we have found it is useful just to send out a quick set of questions to get some direct feedback from you. So we'd appreciate your help by answering the questions found by clicking the link below. Thanks a bunch!

RBCC Feedback Questions

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rock Bridge Rundown

Been awhile since I've done a "Rundown" post so there's a lot to catch up on ... here goes!

Marriage Series
I personally did not want to do this series on marriage but thankfully listened to God speak through our staff who really sensed we needed God to speak to us on this important subject. We are praying that God's Word continues to work in marriages, dating relationships, and singles as we closed out "Wedlocked" this past weekend.

  • Much of my research, insights, and principles came from the book, The Meaning of Marriage by Dr. Tim Keller. We have (or will have) these books available in our connection areas if you are interested in further study.

  • Don't forget Date Night is NEXT Tuesday at the Trade Center. You can buy tickets online at

Our church continues to work to being more engaged locally, regionally, and globally in demonstrating and declaring God's love for us. We have a team in Honduras right now digging a well for a community that currently lacks a clean source of drinking water (that will change by Friday!). Teams are leaving for Ethiopia, Haiti, and the Ukraine this summer as well.

  • Our new Missions Pastor is onboard! Tom Gerborg (email: started the first of May and is bringing tons of ideas and excitement to our missional efforts. Super excited to welcome him to our team!

  • We still have space available for our trip to Ukraine in July. In particular, we have need for a few businessmen to take this trip. Trip details here.

  • We are helping support Dynamic Church in Chattanooga. They will be launching in September and begin preview services in July.

Rock Bridge Ringgold/Catoosa
I am super excited about the opportunity that is opening up before us to put another Rock Bridge congregation in Catoosa County. The commitment level among our team is strong and we have some great initial meetings. Rock Bridge, WE are ONE church in multiple locations working to clearly proclaim CHRIST and connect people to HIM in NW Georgia!!

  • We are currently working to find a location somewhere near downtown Ringgold/around Exit #348.

  • The search for a campus pastor has begun.

  • We are hoping, working, and prayer toward a launch of early 2013.

  • Follow Rock Bridge Ringgold/Catoosa on Facebook!

We have had a great season of stewardship and generosity thus far in 2012 and are very grateful for your faithfulness in this area. If you have not considered giving online, then check it out at MyRockBridge.

  • Online giving ensures you give consistently even when you miss church or forget your checkbook!

  • Consistent giving helps maintain regular cash flow for the church to continue funding our ministries and investing in Kingdom work all over the world, even when attendance dips during holiday and vacation seasons.

  • Online giving creates and maintains the "habit" of giving with minimal effort or hassle.

Children & Student Ministries
Adventure Week, Winshape Camps, and Student Mission trip (to Chicago) are don't miss opportunities for your child or teenager this summer!



Monday, May 7, 2012

Marriage Follow-Up...

This is a guest post by our Discipleship Pastor, Brian Holt.

If you're like me, this series on marriage is hitting you right between the eyes. It seems like nothing impacts my life more than my marriage (other than my relationship with Jesus). Because it's so important, I'm not going to sit around and simply hope it gets better.

We don't just want you to listen to an excellent sermon series. We want you to take active steps to improve your marriage. Here are a few resources to help make this all stick.

Attend Date Night Dalton. This community-wide event is specifically designed to be a applicable and entertaining night for couples. Dr. Gary Chapman will be speaking on the 5 Love Languages. With over 20 churches from Whitfield, Murray and Gordon counties involved, this is going to be a great event. May 29, 7:00pm, Northwest Georgia Convention Center. Tickets are $15 ($20 at the door). You can get more information at

Get into a Small Group. There is really no better way to improve your marriage than by getting into a community that can help you grow. Many Small Groups study the same topic as the weekend message, while others focus on topics specific to their stage in life. We will be launching at least 3 marriage-focused Small Groups to follow-up from this message series and Date Night Dalton.

Read about it. Some of you are readers. With that in mind I wanted to suggest a few books (they should be available for purchase in the lobby areas in the next few weeks):

Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerich

Love and War by John and Stacy Eldridge

The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller

Going All The Way by Craig Groeschel

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Mostly…just do something. You can never expect your marriage to improve if you don't act upon what God is teaching you.


Monday, April 30, 2012


This is a guest post by our Discipleship Pastor, Brian Holt.

We live in a technological world where everyone is connected. Rock Bridge leverages technology every week in our worship services with projectors, lights, sound, and video venues. We believe in the power of technology to support what is already going on in and through our congregations. That's why we're launching myRockBridge.

myRockBridge is an online community, which empowers our members and attenders to better connect, grow, and experience life together.

With myRockBridge you can give online, find and interact with a Small Group, update your information, and stay connected to what's going on at your Rock Bridge campus.

You can visit to sign up or login. If you'd like more details on how to use myRockBridge, download this helpful info sheet.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Message Recap: Identity Theft - Part 3

This weekend we tackled the difficult subject of sin and our tendency to "control and manage" it, instead of conquering and killing it.

  • 3 reasons why we tolerate, excuse, control, manage, and look for loopholes for our sins:

    • Sin is pleasurable and desirable (for a season) so we make it excusable.

    • Sin is enslaving and defeating so we make it identifying.

    • Sin is ultimately more about who we are vs. what we do (identity-related, not behavior-related)

      • Radical Depravity = born with the ability to sin but we are also not able not to sin

      • The core problem is our identity, not our behavior

  • Paul's reaction to Christians continuing in patterns of sin in Romans 6:2 is understandable in light of the fact that we have been given a new identity in Christ.

    • Romans 6:1-10

      • This passage is about God's grace which is amazing for 3 reasons:

        • It is costly to God (but free to us)

        • It is violent power (not just forgiveness but also deliverance!)

        • It is transforming (grace by nature changes the equation from death to life!)

  • Understanding the reality of the new identity for a Christian is crucial to conquering and killing sin

    • Tolerating and being enslaved to sin is inconceivable and incompatible with new life in Christ.

  • Romans 6:11 is the first command in all of Romans

    • You can only kill/conquer sin that has been cancelled in Christ. This is why we can "consider" ourselves dead to sin and alive to God = because of Christ's own death and resurrection.

      • We see our sins and all sin on the Cross and through the lens of the empty tomb. They are dead and defeated.

  • Application for conquering and killing your own sins:

    • NEW CATEGORY: in Christ and against the Cross we can no longer excuse sin or stay in sin. This means all sin is moved from the "no big deal/just the way I am/everybody does it" pile to the "inexcusable/it killed Christ" category.

    • This NEW PERSPECTIVE on SIN leads to an EMPOWERED WILL to FIGHT SIN with all the weapons of grace God has given us -- His Holy Spirit, His Word, His Church, small groups, accountability, prayer, etc. etc.

      • But we fight from a position of victory, not defeat.

    • My personal routine for this:

      • A-ADMIT I am powerless on my own and ABIDE in Christ (move to dependence on Christ)

      • S-SURRENDER all to Christ and be SATISFIED with all He is

      • K-KILL sin because is hurts my highest treasure and live for the His KINGDOM

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Message Recap: Identity Theft-Part 2 (Manhood)

  • Why the confusion and debate over manhood?

    • Even the Bible has to command men to "act like a man" (see I Cor. 16:13)

  • Genesis 2:15-18

    • Man was given a garden, a job, spiritual responsibilities and a family.

    • Men are divinely designed to conquer and cultivate.

  • Genesis 3:9-10

    • Due to sin, men lost their validation from God and now enter the world (tend their garden) wounded and fearful.

    • Men pursue validation from 3 sources (these 3 points from sermon on masculinity by Matt Carter):

      • Men pretend to be something they are not.

      • Men look to women to validate them.

      • Men look to work for validation.

    • Genesis 3:15-18 -- all of these sources are cursed and will not give men the validation they need to be men.

  • I Corinthians 16:14-18

    • Stephanas is an example and was able to "act like a man" because he was a "first fruit" = he was validated and accepted by God.

      • Matthew 3:17 is God's validation over His redeemed children.

      • You can only love with "agape" love (unconditional, sacrificial) when you have been loved with agape love.

        • This love only comes from Christ and is applied to us by the Holy Spirit, through faith.

    • Instead of stepping out into the world to receive validation; Christian men step into the world WITH validation of God.

      • Our frustrations and futility in the world remind us of how we treated God.

      • We depend on God and the depth of His love for us, not looking for perfect love from imperfect people or places.

        • Stand watch = alert for temptations; protecting those entrusted to us.

        • "Be strong" = persevere, endure; it will be tough and require effort/hard work

        • Serve = be leading servants in your "garden" = church, family, job

        • Refresh others (insecure men exhaust and exasperate others)

  • Application this week for men:

    • Read Matthew 3:17 everyday.

    • Before speaking/acting, ask yourself: "Am I doing this in an attempt to receive validation OR because I have validation?"

    • Pray consistently over and with and for your family (wife, children) or begin praying with your girlfriend.

  • Statistics:

    • 43% of Rock Bridge members are men.

    • If a husband/father becomes a Christian, 93% of the time his entire family will become Christ-followers. (This happens 17% of the time in the case of a wife/mother).

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Our Unmet/Met Easter Goal

For the first time we set a numerical goal for our Easter services. We fell short of that goal by 46 people. We considered counting all the pregnant ladies as two (and in some cases three!) but decided against it :) However, while we did not meet the numerical goal, we met our greater goals --

  • We wanted to intentionally invite and bring lots of guests (especially, unchurched/disconnected) to church this weekend to hear about Jesus. We blew that goal out of the water! So many first time guests were at RBCC, and we met so many people who had not been active in church for a long time.

  • Additionally, we prayed hard for God to show up and be present in our services. And as always, God proved faithful. At least fifteen people indicated a decision to begin a new life in Christ and many more prayer requests indicated that the God's Spirit was actively stirring people's hearts.

  • Finally, our volunteers rocked! So many served at multiple services and all of you who served represented Jesus! Thank you! We could not have done TEN SERVICES in THREE COUNTIES over FOUR DAYS without you!!

So glory to God ... but let's not stop! Let's encourage our guests to ...
-a) Return this weekend for part 2 of IDENTITY THEFT
-b) Connect to a small group or ministry team
-c) Keep taking steps in Jesus' direction ... walking with Him is worth it!!

Praying for people to CONNECT to CHRIST and His CHURCH for His GLORY!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Message Recap: Identity Theft-Part 1 (Easter)

Kicked off our new series, Identity Theft, on Easter weekend with the question: "Does Easter really matter since we tend to only think about it at two times: Easter and when facing death?"

Colossians 3:1-3
--The Apostle Paul's personalizing the resurrection with the conditional statement, "...IF you have been raised with the Messiah..."
"Raised" could literally mean "co-resurrected". Clearly, Paul is talking about the resurrection in applicable, personal terms.
--If we have been co-resurrected then we take our cues from Jesus, we focus on heavenly things not earthly ones, and we think differently.  Our lives will be "hidden" with Christ. Paul is teaching that the resurrection matters in how we live our lives on earth.

  • Paul is addressing our very identity.

  • We all know the power of identity: Identity determines direction. Who we think we are determines where we go and how we live our lives.

    • We all want something to define us and give us a healthy self-concept. We want to be perceived a certain way.

    • The world offers us a lot of choices: our bodies, our performance, our careers, our houses, our cars, our clothes, our relationships, our pleasures, fitness, etc. The problem is that what the world offers will eventually die, change, wear out, or deceive us and lead us down a dangerous path. Ultimately, our jobs will go away, our bodies will wear out, our car will break down, other people will let us down, etc.

      • Then, the world will condemn us for our "identity choice".

    • We will have no choice but to reconstruct, rediscovery, or redefine our identity. We feel lost because we are lost -- lost from who God created us to be.

    • We need a more reliable and secure source of identity. This is where God meets us.

  • Colossians 3:4

    • Christ wants to be our "life". Not part of our life, but our life.

      • This is our battle: to let God define us.

      • This is also our hope because ultimately other things that define us will deceive us or go away.

    • What is true of Christ is (can be) true of me which gives me an identity.

      • We see this need for a secure source of identity unfold in the Scriptures:

        • Job 14:14, Luke 24:46

          • Job cries out for the hope of a resurrection; Jesus is the resurrection.

        • Romans 4:25, Romans 6:9, I Corinthians 6:14, 2 Corinthians 1:9

          • From the resurrection comes our justification, our hope, and God's trustworthiness.

        • Hebrews 7:16, I Peter 1:3

          • Jesus is the eternal High Priest able to offer new life and a living hope because He is indestructible.

  • Colossians 3:5-10a

    • Everything flows from this new identity as we walk a new way in a new direction because we are new in Christ

    • This is not a list of rules to follow; this is a way to walk because of WHO we are in Christ. It is based not on what we have done, but what Christ has done on our behalf.

  • Colossians 3:10b-11

    • We have a new image: Jesus. Reliable. Indestructible. Secure. Eternal.

    • The resurrection is not just something you believe; it is how you build your life.

    • Old identity patterns are gone. The new distinction: have you been raised/co-resurrected, or not?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Message Recap: Delayed-Part 3

This weekend Beth joined me to teach and share some of her journey with God through the trial of leukemia.

2 Corinthians 12:7b-10
Therefore, so that I would not exalt myself, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to torment me so I would not exalt myself. 8 Concerning this, I pleaded with the Lord three times to take it away from me. 9 But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me. 10 So I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, catastrophes, persecutions, and in pressures, because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

What do we do when God says "No." or "Not the way you want."?

  • In verse 7, we see that trials (or "thorns") are often not accidental, but intentional.

  • We also see that somehow God is "sovereign" even over what Satan tries to do in the lives of God's children.

    • Note: This is especially evident in the events surrounding Jesus' death on the Cross. The crucifixion was unjust, evil, and involved terrible suffering by God's Son. However, God the Father used it for amazing good -- our salvation and His glory in and through all things.

  • Beth's perspective on her genetic disorder were shaped by two foundational passages of Scripture:

  • When you believe in God's love and trust in His sovereignty, you can plead with Him openly and honestly in prayer (see v. 8).

    • But we must understand that God may answer the prayer differently than we envision (v. 9a)

  • God unveils that His grace is sufficient (even for daily life and not just eternal life) and that His power is actually displayed better through weaknesses.

    • Beth shared the frustration of unanswered prayer, the timeliness of her illness coming right after becoming a mom

    • She was able to land in a firm place of faith to fight through the illness and doubts through the perspective that was shaped by Scripture, her parents, and understanding God's "bigness" through a massive thunder storm she witnessed in Montana when she was 17.

    • When told she might die from lung toxicity, Beth felt the "peace" that passes all understanding.

  • Paul, begins to transition from pleading about his weaknesses to boasting in them. This is how God platforms His power and grace (v. 9b)

    • This perspective is so counter-cultural. We want to glorify God when we are strong.

    • However, God often wants to be strong and sufficient when we are weak.

  • We can understand and experience God's sufficiency in several ways:

    • Through God's Word that we must expose ourselves to and hide in our hearts.

    • Through God's people -- the importance of not just believing in God but belonging to a church family.

    • Through God's Names -- we know God and experience His character through His Names:

      • El Roi: The God Who sees -- God sees every tear and looks with compassion

      • Immanuel: God with us -- Jesus knew suffering and knows how we feel

      • Jehovah Sammah: the Lord is ever-present -- He is always with us

      • Jehovah Jireh: the Lord will provide

      • El Shaddai: God all-sufficient

      • Jehovah Nissi: the Lord my banner

      • Jehovah Shalom: the Lord our peace

      • Jehovah Rapha: The God who heals

      • Jehovah M'Kaddesh: The Lord who sanctifies

      • El Yeshua: God is my salvation

        • "The greatest miracle is my salvation" {Beth}

    • "God will put more on us than we can handle so we can know Him and that He can handle it." {Beth}

  • Even though Beth's "thorn" of fanconi anemia is not gone completely, she prays that she can live the rest of her life knowing what she knows now about God.

  • She is thankful for what she went through because of how she now knows God. When we are weak, He is strong!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Preaching with the Mrs.

Excited to preach part 3 of DELAYED this weekend with my wife, Beth!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Easter 5K

Less than 2 weeks until Easter and this is the first time we've ever set an attendance goal except for our initial launch goal of 200 people back in September 2002!

The goal: 5000 people across NW Georgia hearing about Jesus and connecting to life in Him.
Why? God's renown (Isaiah 26:8)
How? God's people praying persistently and inviting & bringing people to church

  1. We have multiple services and multiple campuses for people to attend: 10 services in 3 counties!!

  2. Let your guest/friend choose which service and attend that service with them.

  3. Help free up seats by attending Rock Bridge PM (Dalton) or a Saturday night service (Dalton/Calhoun).

  4. We will be starting a new series on Easter weekend called, Identity Theft.

Short of planting a new church, one of the best things we can do to help grow God's church is to free up seats at optimal service times. This means we especially need seats available on the Sunday morning "popular" service times such as 9:30 and 11:00. Additionally, we'll need young families to help free up space in Children's Ministry by attending a non-traditional service time if at all possible.

However, if you bring a guest attend whichever service they want to attend -- guests are the priority!! And let's remember that the goal is for guests to do more than just attend -- we want to help them connect to Christ and His church! So pray for people to encounter God's presence and be drawn to Him!

Calhoun Service Times [Gordon Hills Shopping Center/old Piggly Wiggly (near Ford dealership, off Hwy 41)]
Saturday at 5:30 pm; Sunday at 8, 9:30, & 11:00

Chatsworth Service Times [Bagley Middle School]
Sunday at 10:30 am (we'll be ready to use the bleacher seating if needed ... let's need it!)

Dalton Service Times [Downtown Dalton]
Rock Bridge PM/Thursday at 6:30 pm (Stage 123)
Saturday at 5:30 pm (Wink Theatre only)
Sunday at 8:00 am (Stage 123 only)
Sunday at 9:30 & 11:00 am (Wink & Stage 123)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Message Recap: Delayed-Part 2

This weekend's question when we face a "delay": What am I supposed to do in the meantime?"

Psalm 25:1-9

  • We must decide who is going to be "God" over our delay.

    • The first issue we must resolve is who we are going to trust (Psalm 25:1-2)

    • God gives us 2 incentives to trust Him (Psalm 25:3-4)

      • A promise to claim that those who wait on Him will not be disgraced

      • A warning to heed that short cutting God will prove costly

    • Before we quit believing on God, we often quit waiting on God.

  • Once we decide to trust God over our delay, we can seek to know Him better. Knowing Him is transforming.

    • God begins to work on our character, transforming us to Christ.

    • If all God wanted was a "happy ending", we'd all be in heaven now.

    • The process of waiting is the point of waiting.

      • What do we become while we wait.

  • Character transformation leads to course/path determination.

    • God speaks to us through our character that can recognize Him, His ways, and His will.

    • We can walk down a path with clarity, confidence, and courage.

  • 4 Paths that we see through trusting God and letting Him transform our character in a delay:

    • When in the meantime, you need to grow. (2 Chronicles 34:1-4)

      • Josiah chose to grow into his position as King.

      • Growth means maturing, developing convictions, making pre-decisions, forming a theology, and going to deep with God.

    • When in the meantime, you need to stay. (Genesis 16:1-4)

      • Abram & Sarai should have "stayed" and not taken matters into their own hands.

      • Staying means enduring with patience, not quitting, not running, and not falling for the "grass is greener" syndrome.

    • When in the meantime, you need to go. (Joshua 10:7-10)

      • Joshua marched all night to receive the God-promised victory.

      • Go means we fight, we take responsibility, we march in God's direction, we do all we can while trusting God to do what He can.

    • When you've messed up in the meantime, do the right thing right now. (John 19:38-40)

      • Nicodemus had been wrong all his life.

      • But after Jesus' death, Nicodemus got it right while the disciples ran in fear. He did the right thing.

      • His act of courage gave us irrefutable evidence of the death and resurrection.

Ultimately, what we do as we wait in trust on God is we give evidence like Nicodemus that the God we follow is alive!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Take A Trip!!

Can YOU go on a mission trip?
SHOULD you go on a mission trip?

When most of us ask those two questions, we come up with at least one good reason why we can not or should not go on a mission trip. Trip costs, scheduling considerations, self-doubt, fears, the sheer inconvenience, and worry all come to mind rather quickly. And when we focus on these things, odds are we aren't going anywhere, anytime soon.

But what do you do with the "itch" you have to go overseas, experience another culture, represent Christ, and demonstrate His love? What do you do with the God-give desire or "call" to go? What do you do with God's commands to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth?

Should we not at least be open to the possibility that the God of the Universe can overcome all the reasons we come up with for why we can not or should not go?
Should we not at least consider this prayerfully, biblically, and with godly counsel?
Should we not at least be intrigued by what could happen if we step up and out in faith?

So Rock Bridge, we've got some amazing trip possibilities for 2012 (Bolivia and Ukraine trip have several open spots). Yes, they cost money. Yes, you might have to give up some vacation time at work. AND yes, they are worth it!
I think a lot of us know we should go, but are focused on why we can't go. So what do we do with this tension?

#1: Everyone has a command to "go" (see Matthew 28:19-20). How we obey that command will differ for all of us but we can't ignore it and must decide how we obey it.
#2: Be open and pray. Don't disqualify yourself or let money, fear, worry, or inconveniences become louder than God's Word.
#3: Ask for help. If you want to go, but find yourself getting stuck then ask for help. Talk to your small group, a staff member, your boss, and others. There is NOTHING God commands that He does not make possible for us to obey.
#4: Make a commitment. God honors godly commitments. Commit to being a Great Commission Christian. This does not mean you take a trip but it does mean you consider any and all opportunities to spread news about Jesus whether it is through invitations to church, investing in an unchurched friend, or taking a trip.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Message Recap: Delayed-Part 1

We all struggle with God's timing, asking "God, when are you going to do something about this?"
--This struggle can take us down a path of disillusionment, doubt, and despair
--It also can lead to a deeper and richer faith.

The pattern in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation says that delays more fully display Jesus.
--Can we find this pattern in our own delays?

John 11:1-44

  • Jesus' intentional delay in responding to Lazarus' sickness is challenging:

    • The Scripture says that because Jesus loved this family, He delayed in going to help them

    • The Scripture says that Jesus will use this sickness for His glory

      • We define "glory" as God's weightiness, His fullness

      • Is God's glory more important than our immediate comfort and well-being? Apparently so.

    • Jesus tells His disciples that He is glad Lazarus died so He can help their belief in Him.

  • Delays remind us that we are not in control.

    • Does not mean that no one is in control; just that we aren't.

      • The passage clearly reveals that Jesus is in control

    • This is where lots of us leave the faith or settle for God "from a distance".

    • This also creates an opening for greater faith and connection to God because once we lose the illusion of control, we are open to the One Who actually is in control.

  • Jesus meets Martha first.

    • Martha was looking forward to a favorable event or circumstance

    • Jesus taught her to look for Him as the "I am"

    • Who God is is bigger than when God is.

  • Jesus then meets Mary and comforts her with deep emotion: tears of sorrow and anger at sin & unbelief.

  • Some in the crowd understand, some do not.

    • If we insist on being loved the way the world does, we will miss God.

      • The world spells love "O-W-E" and places expectations on people, government, etc.

      • God spells love "M-Y S-O-N" and gives us Himself.

  • Delays help us meet God personally, and not just circumstantially.

    • When you can't find God in favorable circumstances, you must look for Him in His Word and at His Cross which we see visibly through the Lord's Supper.

  • Delays force the issue of faith forcing us to lean on what we cannot see and trust the One we cannot comprehend.

    • Jesus raises Lazarus so that the people may believe in Him.

    • Lazarus' resurrection was not the point, just the platform.

    • Jesus was/is/always will be the point.

  • Does this answer satisfy us? It depends on how we see Jesus?

    • If He is the source of life, we are satisfied and have peace that passes understanding.

    • If He is a threat to our way of life, we run or doubt or despair.

      • The Lazarus miracle was the catalyst for the diabolical plot to kill Jesus (see John 11:53).

      • Jesus as God is threatening to some.

  • 3 Choices:

    • Receive salvation

    • Lean into God's sovereignty

    • Live for God's glory

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Rundown (3.13.2012)

Big stuff on the horizon as we head into Easter season --

  • Disciple Now: March 23-25

    • 6th-12th graders

    • More information including registration information here

  • Easter 5K: 5000 in worship over Easter weekend. How?!?

    • Multiple services: Thursday night, Saturday night, & Sunday morning

    • Multiple locations: Chatsworth, Calhoun, & Dalton



  • NEW SERIES: Delayed -- what is happening when God makes us wait? Why does God allow things to go from bad to worse? How is God working when it feels (and looks) as if He is completely absent and inattentive?

    • Starts this weekend at ALL our campuses!

An on a lighter note, the Harlem Globetrotters are in town this coming Monday night at the NW GA Trade Center ... and yours truly is the "guest referee" (I wonder what will happen to me?)!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekend Recap

This weekend we talked vision and strategy at all our campuses. Because of the importance of this topic, here's a recap:

  • We need to have the same definition of "church" as the Bible.

    • From Ephesians 1:20-3:10, we arrived at this definition: God's display of transforming "dead me" into a "living we" for a "watching they"

  • This definition forces us to think of church as a mission, not a meeting. The church is God's demonstration community.

    • When church is nothing more than a meeting of individuals, it is easy to excuse lack of participation and tolerance of sin.

    • When church is a community on a mission with God, everyone is significant as a display of God's grace to make known the "immeasurable/incalculable" riches of Christ.

  • Four things the "watching they" needs to see from us:

    • They do not need to see us disqualify ourselves.

      • Because of fear and insecurity some sit on the sidelines which betrays the power of God's grace and resurrection in our lives.

      • Some fail to pursue holiness, and live in sin while claiming to be Christians. This mocks God's grace and says God is less than satisfying and His grace is less than sufficient.

        • To clear: Christians are not perfect but are called to pursue holiness and fight sinfulness

        • For those living in blatant and obvious sin, there are 3 choices:

          • 1-Stop it.

          • 2-Seek help. Fighting sin is often a community affair through confession & accountability.

          • 3-Stop claiming to be a Christian and consider you may be "dead" as described in Eph. 2:1

    • They need to see life.

      • The church proclaims life and displays life change through its members.

      • As a result, church should be exciting and full of passion.

      • We should expect to see people saved and baptized.

      • Worship should be an expression of passion and affection.

        • We should never appear to be "bored" with God's grace when the Bible says we will enjoy it for eternity.

    • They need to see a strategy.

      • Without a strategy to church drifts into "me" mode (selfish, independent) or "me & we" mode (country club, clique-ish)

      • Our strategy:

        • We pray.

        • We proclaim Jesus when we gather (in large & small groups) and when we scatter (to our locations and vocations).

          • We invite. We talk about Jesus relationally and casually but intentionally displaying His grace to us.

        • We repeat.

        • We multiply.

          • Disciples. Small groups. Services. Campuses. Churches = Kingdom impact

      • Rock Bridge Easter goal: 5000 in worship!

        • Bring an unchurched friend with you.

        • Have a strategy to be involved in making Easter invitational and evangelical, not just traditional and cultural.

        • We need some people not to come on Sunday during optimal times (9:30/11:00) so we have room for guests.

    • They need to see sacrifice.

      • My greatest fear as a pastor is we lose our sacrificial mindset.

      • We must resist the urge to be comfortable and complacent.

      • Sacrifice is always a tension between what feels safe vs. what God asks ... Go with God!

        • Take the mission trip. Make the ask. Serve with passion!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bible Translation: Switching to HCSB

A few weeks ago I posted that we were prayerfully considering switching from using the NIV (1984) translation of the Bible. Our staff and Elders weighed in on using the English Standard Version (ESV) or the Holman Christian Standard Version (HCSB). We were basically split in our opinions and preferences; however, the decision was made to adopt the HCSB as the primary translation we will use for preaching and to offer this translation in our resource areas.

Why the switch from the NIV (1984)? With the release of the 2011 New International Version (NIV), the NIV-1984 will no longer be published. We felt a new and different translation was needed for 2 reasons:
#1--Since 1984 there have been improvements in scholarship and understanding of the ancient texts as well as changes in the English language. Therefore, an updated translation seems wise and timely.
#2--As a church, we are committed to the authority and inerrancy of the Scriptures.  We desire a translation to be accurate, understandable, and suitable for public reading.  We question some of the NIV-2011 accuracy related choices which then affects arriving at a correct understanding of the inspired writing of the biblical authors.

Why the HCSB?

1-The HCSB is primarily about accuracy and readability as their website states:
The HCSB, as a Bible translation project began for many reasons. One of the main reasons was accuracy. The HCSB translation team sought out from the beginning to render an accurate reading of the Bible from the Greek, Armaic, and Hebrew texts. Another reason was readability. Modern English continues to change with time, so the HCSB translation team set out to advance the Bible in up-to-date language that any reader can understand clearly.

2-The Name of God is given special significance in the HCSB to help us better understand how personal God is in His revelation of Himself to us as sinful creatures.

3-The HCSB is precise in its translation. From the HCSB website:
The word count of the original Hebrew and Greek texts in the standard critical editions is 545,202. The HCSB comes closer to this word count than other major translation ... the HCSB is able to convey the original texts in a more precise fashion.

4-The HCSB is suitable for public reading and reads in a clear manner that audiences can follow. As a preacher, this was the single greatest advantage of the HCSB over the ESV and some other translations.

5-The HCSB has some unique features that aid in understanding the original and intended meaning of the Holy Spirit-inspired authors. For example, the "Bullet Notes" feature offers great explanations of frequently used biblical terms.

On a final note, no translation is perfect in its attempts to accurately communicate the original meaning of the inspired writers. Using a variety of translations aids in understanding and provides greater insights into the Scriptures. I still read the NIV, NLT, ESV, the Message, the Amplified, and the KJV/NKJV. We love the Bible and the God of the Bible. However, we believe it is wise to have a standard translation used in our services that is accurate, readable, and understandable; for us and for now that is the HCSB.

Monday, February 6, 2012

New Message Series: ENCOUNTER

This weekend we kick-off a brand new series called, "ENCOUNTER". We'll journey with Moses and learn how we can encounter the reality of God's presence in our lives. We'll talk about how we can know more than just facts about God, but that we can actually know Him and experience Him personally. If you've wondered if there was "more" out there, if your spiritual life has grown a little stale, if you wonder if God really is "real", or if you just want to know God better -- then get ready for "ENCOUNTER" ... and bring a friend with you!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Multi-Site: What We Are Learning

We've been a multi-site church for over 4 years now and it has been an exciting and challenging approach to reproduce congregations in other NW Georgia communities. I am a huge believer in church planting and the reproduction of healthy congregations. The simple mathematical fact is the current number of churches cannot keep up with the growth of the population and lostness of the U.S.
While there is a great effort to plant churches in our major cities and their suburbs, smaller towns are frequently not targeted by church planters. Some statistics show that smaller towns are nearly as unchurched as major cities. Additionally, small towns face serious "Gospel obstacles" such as legalism, traditionalism, ritualism, and "easy believe-ism" that potentially deceives people away from their real need of a saving relationship with Christ. Because our mission is to help reach and disciple people for Christ from here to the ends of the earth, we envision multiple sites being an ongoing part of our strategy and efforts to bring glory to Christ by fulfilling the Great Commission.
Here are some lessons we've learned along the way both from experience and from other churches:

We start sites as a mission of the church but expect sites to transition to being ON mission. New sites start with lots of support from other campuses as part of the church's overall strategy for missions. Over time the site transitions to an army for the Gospel in its specific community.

The goal is not to multiple preaching points or worship centers but a vibrant congregation of Christ-followers who form a "bridge" to connect others to life in Christ. In other words, it is not just about convenience and hearing the same sermon or experiencing worship; it is about being the church in a community.

Stay where you are; serve where you live; be Christ in your own community. The simple fact is most unchurched people will attend a church service close to where they live. The simple fact is the longer we drive to go to church, the less likely it is than an unchurched person will come with you. Christians are more effective worshipping and serving where they live.

Video teaching is not an issue, unless that is all there is. A church is so much more than the sermon and the preacher, but if a multiple site (or any church for that matter) is only ministering through the sermon and preacher, then the impact will be limited and less effective.

Christians must be challenged and led to think beyond their preference, convenience, and comfort. Multiplying sites and churches is not easy but it is worth it and it is necessary (see 1st paragraph). Christ commanded us to "ripple out" from where He sovereignly places us (Acts 1:8Acts 17:26). This is an issue of leadership and vision that comes from Christ Himself.

Worship is the fuel and the goal. As we worship Jesus, our hearts begin to break for people who do not know Him. True worship fuels us to "go", to sacrifice, and to point others to Christ (see Isaiah 6:1-8). The goal: His glory through more worshippers. The more who worship Him, the more glory He receives ... and His glory is our ultimate mission!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekly Rundown {1.29.2012}

  • Great weekend of celebrating baptism and continuing with Joy Switch -- Part 4.

  • Loved preaching the incredible truth of the Gospel, justification by faith, and the supremacy of Christ from Philippians 3.

  • I was asked today who (what type or group of people) we attempt to target as church. Great question. My answer: anyone who has not heard or not understood the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • We reached our goal of having 125 small groups by 1/25 ... this was such a God-thing: we added over 40 small groups in about 2-3 months!!

    • Thanks to our campus pastors, groups staff, and all the group leaders & hosts who stepped up and stepped out!

  • We have started interviewing candidates for our Missions Pastor position. So excited about this position and the person God will use through it.

  • Beth started back to work this week in Rock Bridge Student Ministry on a part-time basis :)

    • Please pray for her as she eases back into work and more normal routines -- it is still flu season.

    • So grateful and humbled that she is doing so well. Thank you for your prayers!

  • First Wednesday is THIS week: Chatsworth/Dalton in the Wink Theatre and Calhoun at Gordon Mills Shopping Center.

  • We finish Joy Switch this coming weekend at all campuses ... and we'll preview our next series -- very excited about our new series that starts February 9/12.

    • Start praying about who you can invite to church with you!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Problems We Pray For

2012 has started fast and furious (the way we like it!).  We've seen LOTS of guests coming and (just as important) coming back! Each weekend we are having multiple decisions for people to follow Christ and people are signing up to be baptized, to become members, to serve, to get in a small group, and in general, get connected to the Body of Christ at Rock Bridge.

When we experience rapid increases in attendance like the past 2 weeks, it can create problems ... good problems -- there are people everywhere! We pray for problems like this! We want MORE people in church because that means MORE potential for God to be worshipped, Christ to be followed, and people to be loved. However, we need your help to make sure we stay prepared for what God has planned. So here's what I'm asking:

1) Pray. Pray that God's presence is known through our services into people's hearts.

2) Put guests first. In Chatsworth, one extended family could not sit together because there were not enough empty seats!! We've had to add extra seats to Stage 123 the past two Sundays!!
Rock Bridge, you are bringing people to church with you ... AWESOME!!

  • So be alert, be helpful to others, and be willing to ...

    • Sit closer to the front to make it easier on guests who may arrive later because they are unfamiliar with parking, children check-in, campus layout, etc

    • Sit somewhere differently than your preferred seat :)

    • Attend another service time or venue that might be less crowded

3) Follow-up with guests. I received an email this week from a church member who mentioned 4 new families to Rock Bridge and wanted to make sure we were following-up with them! That is dedication to connection, and connection is our mission!!

If someone comes to church because you invite them then please encourage them, thank them, and as they are ready point them to next steps of salvation, small groups, serving, membership, First Wednesday, etc. etc.
Let's all of us help connect people from all walks of life to life in Christ!!

4) Keep inviting. If someone you invited has not responded yet, don't give up ... keep inviting and keep praying. Ask God to give you boldness and opportunities to point people to Christ and bring people to church. God loves to answer that prayer!!

For the renown of Jesus Christ in NW GA!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Confessing Praylessness

Today during our staff prayer time (what we are starting to call "Staff Chapel"), we read Jesus' rebuke of His disciples for doing ministry without prayer (see Mark 9:14-29) --

"This kind can come out by nothing but prayer ... " [Mark 9:29, HCSB]

Then we all confessed why we fail to pray as Jesus taught: busyness, fear of disappointment, selfishness, dullness, lack of love, impure motives, uncertainty about God ... it was convicting and powerful at the same time.
We even recounted God's favor and blessings on our church and asked ourselves, "What if we prayed as Jesus taught?" WOW! The fact that God ordains prayer as a primary means of accomplishing His will is mind boggling and mysterious, yet exciting and joyous. The fact that we could be missing aspects of God because we fail to pray ... it all drives us back to prayer.

So we resolved/repented together to "stop" praylessness and to pray like little children.

My sons ask relentlessly and boldly. They ask with expectation. They ask persistently. And even when we say "no" or "not now", they accept my explanations, and then ask for something else. Their asking is a sign of their trusting; their asking is a sign of their relying; their asking is honoring to Beth & I as their parents.
No wonder God wants the faith of a child ... and perhaps, the "prayerfulness" of a child too.

Ask. Listen. Seek. Hope. Expect. Ask again ... and again.

"So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.”
[Luke 11:13, NLT]

Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekly Rundown (1.16.2012)

  • Great to be at our Chatsworth Campus yesterday! Great environment, great volunteers, and great worship together!

  • My wife went to church yesterday for the first time since in about 14 months!! So awesome to worship with her ... she loves praise & worship!!

  • We are having LOTS of guests at our services --  Please be alert, be helpful (give directions, give up your "preferred" seat, answer questions, etc.).

    • Spread the word about ways to connect: small groups, serving, 1st Wednesday, 2nd Wednesday Membership and Servolution (Dalton campus), etc.

  • Our Missions Pastor search is narrowing down to under seven candidates. So excited about God's person for this role and the potential our church has to meet needs and share Christ locally and globally!!

  • 2012 Mission trip dates are coming out. Check the web site frequently for more information.

  • JOY SWITCH -- Part 3 is THIS week!!

    • Who are you inviting?

    • How is the daily Bible reading plan going?

    • Don't forget: Rock Bridge PM (Thursday @ 6:30 pm) is in Stage 123.

    • Please pray persistently for all our services and all God wants to do in & through Rock Bridge!

  • JOY SWITCH -- Part 2 recap:

    • What God is doing in and through me is greater than what is happening to and around me. This truth of the Gospel (Philippians 1:6) sustains my joy by giving me a "category" for my situations, setbacks, and successes. What God is doing is ultimate; what is happening in this world will not take my joy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10 Reasons to be Excited

10. Beth got an AMAZING report from her doctors in NYC this week. We are beyond grateful.

9.  You invited a BUNCH of new people last weekend -- we had record attendance for non-Easter services!
Now what?! Keep inviting, invite people BACK with you, tell them about small groups, 1st Wednesday, membership, serving on a team, etc. Don't let up because God's Word PROMISES to fulfill its purpose.

8.  Joy Switch Part 2 is this week! We will be in Philippians chapter 1.

7. You don't have to miss church if you work or are going to be out of town on Sunday! Why? Rock Bridge PM!

6.  We invested > $42,000 in local, national, and global missions this week!

5.  We've got some incredible videos, testimonies, and applications planned throughout Joy Switch ... don't miss church 'cause you don't know what you might be missing!

4.  Our church is reading the Bible together for 25 devotional readings during Joy Switch. There is power in focus & unity AND there is great power in God's Word. Like our eyes, the Bible helps us see, perceive, and enjoy spiritual beauty.

3. We are making progress to reach our goal of 125 small groups by 1/25; but we are not letting up!  If interesting in groups, email

2. I love my church.

1. The tomb is empty!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rock Bridge in 2012

A preview for our church in 2012 --

Renewed and rekindled efforts to "reach people"
Reaching people was the first core value we came up with as a church in 2002. It is why we exist. It's why we don't have dress codes, confusing worship services; it's why we started Rock Bridge PM; it's why we have multiple sites; it's why we invest in local and global missions; it's why we want to multiply and create new small groups (new spaces for new people); it's why we have multiple service times; it's why we have host teams/coffee teams ... it's also why Jesus came and what He commissioned the church to do.
**Would you pray for God to use you to help connect one person to Christ and His church in 2012?**
As long as one person does not know Jesus or have a church family, our mission is incomplete.

Intentional Efforts to Increase Serving in our Church
We are saved from our sins and saved to serve God. We want to make serving part of what it means to be a member of Rock Bridge. We want people to enjoy the significance of being used by God for His purposes. Don't be deceived into thinking God can't use you or that it is "someone else's job"! We need passionate and committed people to make Rock Bridge happen. The Gospel of Jesus Christ creates those servants (see Ephesians 2:10) and the Church's job is to mobilize them for significant service!
**Look for an announcement soon about "SERVO-LUTION" and we plan to strategically simplify and improve serving/volunteering.

10-year anniversary
We reach double digits this year!
We anticipate an all-campus worship service to celebrate and mark this time!!

New teaching translation for our church.
For 10-years we have used the New International Version (NIV) 1984 translation as the primary Bible for teaching. The publishers of the NIV have since come out with two revised translations: the  TNIV and the NIV 2011. The NIV 2011 is about 5% different than the 1984 translation. Changes in translations come as scholarship improves the understanding of ancient texts, archaeological findings provide more clarity, and technology enables greater collaboration among translators. Additionally, translators seek to ensure translations are able to be understood by people in today's world.

The challenge for our leadership and staff is that many of us are uncomfortable with some of the translation decisions made in the newer NIV versions. So when someone asks what type of Bible we use and then go buy that Bible, they get typically the 2011 NIV since the 1984 NIV is becoming less available and they also get a translation that is not as close to the original, inspired texts as we would hope. However, we do appreciate and value that there are now improved translations available since 1984.
We also remain firmly committed to the inerrancy of the Bible in its original manuscripts and value teaching from a translation that is as close as possible to those inspired texts but is also easy to read, understand, preach from, and memorize.

Right now, we are considering switching to either the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) or the English Standard Version (ESV). Both are excellent, committed to staying as close as possible to the original meaning of the inspired texts, and being readable in modern English.

We continue to strengthen our commitment to local and global missions. We are in the process of searching for a Missions Pastor to help further this commitment and expand our efforts to minister to people locally & globally in Jesus' Name.
We hope to take more trips overseas, partner to plant more churches, and look for opportunities to start future campuses in the coming year.

Radical Dependence
Finally, our resolve to live out the Core Value of Radical Dependence is as strong as every. If I survey my prayers for our church over the past several months, the overwhelming theme is that of reliance and dependence on the Holy Spirit. This dependence comes through death to self, repentance from sin, and prayer.
We are considering another 24/7 Prayer Service where prayer & worship are continual for an entire 24-hour day.
We realize that "apart from Christ" and His Spirit we can do nothing and in fact, come to nothing.

The Best is Yet to Come
I believe this with all my heart as I see in Scripture the overarching theme of hope that come from the promises of a faithful God whose love is steadfast. God is building His church, preparing His bride, saving the lost, rekindling the saved, using us as His ambassadors, and desiring us to expectantly wait, watch, pray, serve, and desire His presence.

So let's be expectant ...

Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us — to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. {Philippians 3:20-21}

Monday, January 2, 2012

Five Things to Remember This Week @ RBCC

1) Rock Bridge PM moves to Stage 123 this Thursday night @ 6:30 pm.
Please spread the word and tell people who work, travel, or otherwise don't/won't go to church on Sunday morning that Rock Bridge has a worship option for them.

2) We kick-off our new year series, JOY SWITCH, this weekend!!
Pray big, pray often, and pray bold for what God wants to do through this series!
Invite someone to church with you. Invite repeatedly and consistently. Don't give up ... God doesn't give up on us!

3) First Wednesday is THIS week!!
Start off 2012 with big prayers, passionate worship, and by remembering Christ's death through communion.

4) Be desperate for God.
Let's plead with God to demonstrate His power, declare His righteousness, and give us His grace this week and this year. We need Him more than ever. We need His unfailing love, His amazing grace, His mighty salvation, His holy presence ... we need Him. Ask God to use you, to use our church, to use our worship services, to use your small group ... to accomplish His purposes.

5) Be expectant.
Expectancy is faith in action ... and it honors God. Expectant people see God's hand and experience His presence. Abandon "do your duty", "check the box" religion. Forsake the tradition and the ritual of church for expectancy. See Him in His Word, His people, His creation, His Son, His Cross, His Spirit ... and let's be amazed THIS week at our God!