Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekly Rundown (10.31.2010)

  • Very excited about the next 40 days in our church: reading through the Gospels & Acts together, 24 hours of solid prayer & worship, and a special offering.  God is honored by our commitments and persistence ... let's keep the faith!!

  • Final message to the Follow Me series is next weekend!!

  • We start a new series on the end of times November 18/21 ... great opportunity to bring a guest to church!

  • Worked on outlining our message series through Memorial Day 2011.

  • Lots of talk and interest in taking a mission trip.  Exciting to see a new commitment to global missions emerging in our church!

    • The FIRST step to going on a global trip:  complete and turn-in your application

    • Hoping to learn dates for Bolivia and Ethiopia trips by mid-November.

  • First Halloween with the boys -- Eyasu wanted to be a horse "with a tail"; Abreham was "Nemo" [the fish from the movie I've now seen 74 times!] ... thanks K-Mart for putting all your Halloween stuff on sale this weekend -- the one time procrastination has paid off :)

  • Have a great week!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Church Chats: Your Questions

We're in the middle of our "church chats" at all our campuses.  The response has been great and the questions are excellent.  Here are some of the questions we've gotten with a brief answers:

Less is More & Giving:

Can I pledge and contribute to "Less is More" if I am still contributing to the Next Step? Are these the same funds?

The Next Step (Dalton Campus expansion) officially ends in December.  The Less is More offering is the close out offering for Next Step AND the start-up offering for our increased missions giving.  So they are the same funds.

Small Groups:

How do we want new small groups to form?

New groups can start when a leader(s) emerges from an existing group or from within our church membership.  A small group may wish to send some of its members to go with the new leader(s) and help launch the group.  However, the main need is for leader-facilitators who want to start new groups.

Is there any upcoming small group training for current/new group leaders?

The exact details are still being worked out by our new Groups Pastor, Brian Holt (  However, if you are ready to start a new group one-on-one training is available immediately.

How should a small group start serving together locally?

The first step is for your group to begin praying and discussing how God is leading your group.  If the group feels led to construction or children or homelessness, then our Small Group staff can then help facilitate a connection to a person and/or partner organization that matches the "heart" of your group.  Our desire is to "release" and empower our groups to serve "on mission" in our communities.


How much of the 2011 Missions budget goes to local and global causes?

Global-39%; Local-28%; National/Church Planting-10%; Disaster Relief-6%; Trips=14%; Admin/misc-3%

How long are the mission trips?

On average the trips will be from 6-10 days: Honduras (digging wells) & Haiti are 6-7 days; Bolivia is 6-8 days; Ukraine is 8 days; Ethiopia will be 7-10 days

How does Rock Bridge select our local & global mission partners?

Once a potential partner is identified (by a church member or through general awareness) we start examining to see if that partner is a good fit for Rock Bridge.  Usually this involves some type of "interview".  We look for partners that have a system of financial accountability, a Gospel-focus, and are well-organized. A team of people (staff, elders, church members, etc.) makes the final determination about our partners.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bonus Feature to Follow Me (Part 2): Local vs. Global

{You can read Part 1 of the Follow Me bonus feature blog here.}

In Follow Me to the World we talked about God calls us to be "on mission" locally AND globally.  Sometimes we feel torn between meeting needs right around us with the needs around the world.  As a result, the scope of missions becomes a debate (or preference) between local missions OR global missions.

The Bible never meant for this to be an issue.  Instead of an "either/or" option, the Bible is clear that missions is a "both/and" command--

  • Acts 1:8 teaches us the principle of the geographic expansion of missions.

  • 2 Cor. 8-9 shows us the practice of a New Testament church doing more than local missions as the churches in Corinth gave to the church in Jerusalem.

  • Matthew 28:19-20 shows us Jesus' heart is for all the nations & commands us to "go" without geographic limitations.

  • Psalm 67 assures us of God's favor & blessing when we desire to make Him known and seek to bring Him glory to the ends of the earth.

Because we live in NW Georgia, we still feel burdened for our communities and desire to see needs met and Christ glorified here. Again, our choice is not local OR global, but BOTH local AND global.  We have talked in great detail about our international missions expansion; here's how we are seeking to expand our local missions impact:

  • In 2011, the amount of missions dollars invested locally is set to almost triple!!

  • We are working through our small groups to serve in the local community several times a year. (Currently, we have several groups already doing this; imagine if all or nearly all of our groups start doing this intentionally over the course of one year!! This greatly expands our investment of time in the area of local missions.)

  • We will continue doing monthly local mission drives (similar to the blanket drive going on during October).

  • We will continue taking a "loose change" offering at First Wednesday services. 100% of this offering goes to local mission causes/partners.

To God be the glory!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Follow Me Bonus Feature: People Who Never Hear

In every message or series there are always things that cannot be covered in great detail.  One subject that I am hearing a lot of "chatter" about is the issue of people who never hear about Jesus.  We have taught in this series that people who do not hear about Jesus are not innocent and thus will experience eternity apart from God.  Here is a detailed explanation of this biblical fact.

All people have knowledge of God and still reject God.

This means that there are NO INNOCENT people in the world.  Whether we have knowledge of Jesus' existence or not, we are ALL still eternally sick with sin.  Therefore, the person who has never heard about Jesus is STILL guilty for his/her sins. Romans 3:10 clearly states that no one is righteous.  But the Bible also states that people do have knowledge of God and that they reject this knowledge. Romans 1:18-20 is the key verse explaining this and ends with the very clear statement that "men are without excuse."  Not hearing about Jesus does not make a sinner innocent.  We are without excuse and in need of salvation -- all of us.

God has made a way of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

The Bible is clear that only because of God's merciful provision of His Son Jesus do any of us have any hope.  There are 2 important considerations here and both should drive us to our knees in humble worship:

1)  God did not have to save anyone and that would have been fair and just and right.  Why? We are ALL hopelessly sinful.  I think it is dishonoring to God to question the method or exclusivity of Jesus Christ as if God owes us salvation or should let us determine how salvation should be offered. Salvation cost Jesus His life!  God is more than fair and His mercy is incomprehensible.  We should worship Him, not question Him.  And if we are really concerned about justice and salvation for people, we should give our time, our money, and our efforts to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ locally and globally as God commands.

2) God's ways are higher and better than our ways.  In discussing the "Jesus is the only way" topic, many people start saying that is not fair or not right.  That means we are putting ourselves above God and allowing our limited, finite, and fallible perspectives to trump God.  Who is the highest authority in our lives -- us or God? Our viewpoint or the Scriptures?  Do we not believe that God is the ultimate definition and decider of what is "right"? Do we not believe that God is God?  When God has provided His Son to make a way for salvation, do we really want to have a "fairness" debate with God?!?

Sometimes I fear this entire discussion reveals that we do not take God's right to be God seriously and/or we lessen the urgency and importance of sharing Christ with people.  Interestingly, these 2 things are mentioned in Romans. Romans 1:23 says we will reject the true God for false images that look like us or like created things.  In other words, we make ourselves our God!!  Romans 10:14 states that if we do not preach Jesus then people will not hear and thus not be saved.  Therefore, we must resist any temptation to make ourselves into the final authority about matters of salvation and to make the Great Commission optional.

What about young children who die?

I think the Bible is actually pretty clear on this point as well.

First, according to Romans 1 people must have the capacity for God to be "known" and to be made "plain" so that the existence of God can be "understood" (see Romans 1:19-20).  Therefore, this implies that young children and people with certain mental handicaps would be excluded from God's wrath and somehow covered by Christ's atonement.

Second, when King David's son died shortly after he was born, David's words tell us that that child went to be with the Lord:  " that he is dead, why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me." {2 Samuel 12:23}.  David believes that when he dies, he "will go to" be with his son who now is with God.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekly Rundown (10.24.2010)

  • Great staff retreat this week ... more unified than ever!  Very blessed to serve with our team!!

  • Calhoun Campus voted today to move into a permanent lease facility--100% in favor!!!!

  • Church chats are underway at all campuses.

  • Definitely a deeper work of the Holy Spirit going on in our church right now.  We are really striving to follow the Jesus of the Bible in a bold, radical, and fresh way!!

  • Mark your calendars: 24 hours of prayer Dec. 1-2. Starting at 6 pm in Dalton Stage 123.  Come pray anytime as we give God no rest as we pursue Him like never before (Isaiah 62:6-7).

  • Mission trips:  if you are interested in a trip please turn in an application to start the process.  We've have a lot of interest so far.

  • I took Eyasu to get shots on Friday ... wow! I was scared watching that big needle get jabbed deep into his little thigh.  It was awful because I had to help hold him down as he cried.  Must be something like how God feels when He allows pain into our life temporarily knowing that ultimately it is for our good.

  • Have a great week!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekly Rundown (10.17.2010)

  • What a week!!

  • Church chats start ... please take this opportunity to learn more about our church's mission and ask questions!

    • Dalton: THIS Wednesday Oct. 20th (6 pm; Wink Theatre; child care and dinner available) is the first chat; 3 more: click here for details

    • Chatworth: Nov. 1st: (First National Bank of Chatworth community center)

    • Calhoun:  Wednesday, Oct. 27th (6 pm; Calhoun Campus offices; child care/dinner provided) is the first chat; click here for the other scheduled chats

  • We unveiled much our new missions strategy this weekend ... I'm so pumped!

    • More information:

      • About missions in general:  Rock Bridge web site -- under Ministries tab--click on "Missions"

      • Trip applications:  click here

      • Email questions to

    • Doubling our missions giving in 2011!

    • Small groups serving locally across NW Georgia 4+ times a year.

    • Significant Great Commission work locally, nationally, and globally:

      • North America

        • United States: church planting

        • Haiti: Church rebuilding, food distribution, relational evangelism

      • South/Central America

      • Africa

        • Zimbabwe: helping AID/HIV orphans

        • Kenya: medical mission

        • Ethiopia: Missionary support & church partnership

      • Asia

        • India: Supporting local/indigenous missionaries to spread the Gospel and plant churches

      • Europe

        • Ukraine: church planting

      • Middle East

        • Arab-Jew reconciliation (medical focus)

  • Our first staff retreat in over 2 years starts tomorrow.  Great time planned just to be/become a team ... praying John 17 and Romans 12 over our staff.

  • Staff retreat will be the first time BOTH Beth & I have been away from our children overnight ... ??

  • Next weekend: FOLLOW ME -Part 7:  Mark 12:41-43

Monday, October 11, 2010

Less is More: Church Chats

{The date(s) for our Chatsworth & Calhoun campuses are TBD.}

We are in the middle of an exciting time in the history of Rock Bridge.  In Calhoun we have seen more salvations than any other time and we are on the verge of perhaps moving into a long-term building lease to give us a permanent presence in Gordon County.  In Chatsworth we are less than one year old and already seeing faith in Christ reinvigorated and lives being changed.  In Dalton we are wrapping up our 3-year campus expansion campaign this winter.

Together at all our campuses we are learning to redefine Christianity away from culture and tradition and align ourselves with the God of the Bible through the Follow Me series. We'll be taking a special Less is More offering in December as we seek to double our missions giving in 2011 and expand our efforts to fulfill the Great Commission locally and globally.  We'll be taking more short-term mission trips, planting more small groups, and increasing prayer like never before in our church.  All of this is born from our desire to glorify Christ as we rely on the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples.

We want everyone in our church to be aligned and committed to these new initiatives as we move forward so we have scheduled several church "chats".  We'll be explaining our vision and direction in more detail, answering your questions, and praying together.  You can plan to attend one of these chats with your small group (talk to your group) or at a time that best fits your schedule.  Below are the dates and times for the Dalton Campus (Calhoun & Chatsworth are TBD):

Wednesday, Oct. 20th at 6:00 pm in the Wink Theatre

Wednesday, Oct. 27th at 6:00 pm in the Wink Theatre

Wednesday, Nov. 10th at 6:00 pm in the Wink Theatre

Sunday, Nov. 14th (after the 11:00 service) in the Wink Theatre

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weekly Rundown (10.3.2010)

  • From my heart: God is stretching and challenging me (and I think our whole church) in a big time way. I've learned that these are some of the richest and most meaningful times in my walk with God ... high mileage for Him to work.  And the best part is ... we can't IMAGINE what He has in store!!

  • Today's Message:

    • God is exclusive about HOW we are brought into His family (through Christ alone); but inclusive about WHO.

    • Hopefully, we will all marvel at His mercy for even providing a way to be made right with Him and then ponder how we should live as those who know that Christ is the way, the truth and the life!!

    • Go the FUEL web page for daily devotionals based on this past week's message.

  • Scripture for next week's message: John 4:25-42

  • My football teams: n/a (Just kiddin' still love Navy & UGA!!)

  • First Wednesday this week -- Dalton & Calhoun campuses.

  • Sign-up for 24/7 Prayer -- Click here!

  • Have a great week!