Please use this as an opportunity to tell people about church on Thursday nights! We've seen lots of people be able to attend church since we added Rock Bridge PM but we still hear lots of people who are "in the dark" about Rock Bridge PM's existence.
Here's some reasons why we are moving from the Wink to Stage 123 on January 5th:
1-More relational. Stage 123 features a large lobby that will make meeting and connecting relationally with people easier.
2-Easier to access. The long, sloped aisles of the Wink make it challenging for some people to navigate. Stage 123 is flat with multiple entry points.
3-It Fits the "vibe". Rock Bridge PM is an energetic (people are more awake at 6:30 pm than Sunday am!), casual service created with the weekend worker/traveler in mind. Stage 123 is casual, comfortable, and (by design) very connected (cafe, lobby, worship space all flows & fits together). This venue lends itself to greater "intimacy" with the worship leader, teacher, and with other attenders, creating great potential for the maximum witness of Christ's presence to occur. {The Wink is better suited for larger crowds and the use of enhanced technology.}
Rock Bridge PM was also created for ...
- The person who partied too much on Saturday night and will never make Sunday AM church unless it is Easter or Mother's Day.
- The person who has an early morning tee time.
- The person whose scheduled is predetermined by the kids' extracurriculars and/or ESPN and the NFL.
- The person who has stereotyped church as boring, "same ole, same ole" and irrelevant.
We think Stage 123 gives us a better "shot" at helping them understand and experience the difference Jesus and His Church make ... and gives YOU a better chance at offering a more desirable and acceptable invitation for people to attend a church service.
"... I have become all things to all people, so that I may by every possible means save some."
--The Apostle Paul, I Corinthians 9:22b