The emails, texts, Facebook messages, etc. etc. MEAN SO MUCH!! YOUR PRAYERS MEAN SO MUCH. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!!! We wanted to share one such email/prayer from a friend --
Just saw your blog; wow, the warfare is on.............a pastor's wife at a church here in {xxxx} has cancer in her jaw and involves radical amputation. Interestingly enough, my daughter found my wife unconscious in the bathroom early one morning, this week, and gave us a scare. Pastor of a church plant that is 5 years old, out in the country in {xxxx} County has a brain tumor and progressively going down fast.
Here's a word for you guys that is in my heart this morning: My heart is bothered by this news about Beth, but not burdened. This trial is to take you guys higher, holier, and more healthy that you already are. It will cause so many who love you both, to drop down to their knees, weep, groan to God, and for the first time, experience a fellowship with our King.
Be encouraged..............It will be fine! You win! ... God is getting ready to take Rock Bridge and your lives to the next level. I know it's health here, but it's also warfare. You can't progress and attack hell without are getting it. Praise can be the greatest weapon in this battle. It works!
"Lord Jesus, we bind and attack fear and anxiety right now in Matt and Beth. We give you our minds because it all begins right here. According to the psalmist, 'you have answered us.' Do it again. Give us the desires of our heart, but you are also sovereign and we give you our voiced liberty to do what you will. Father, Matt and those boys need Beth......your local body needs Beth. If you've ever worked mightily on our behalf, do it now. Do it now..........we pray for wisdom, for favor, for mercy, save some grace for us, and we plead the blood of Jesus Christ over Beth for the miraculous. I pray explosion that is unexplainable happen in worship tomorrow for Rock Bridge. We give you glory! Father, for the answer, we ask all of this in Jesus' name." -Amen
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