Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Most Important Sunday Ever!!

(One quick correction:  Sunday during my message I used politics and voting as an illustration.  Apparently some people thought I said I was affiliated with a particular political party ... my reference was only a hypothetical example to illustrate how upbringing influences voting ... as well as our faith.)  Okay, now on to this blog's subject ...

In many ways Easter Sunday is like a wonderful moment in time ... both in history and present day.  In the present, the moment includes record church attendance, tons of guests, lots of decisions made for Christ, Easter dresses, great music, big family gatherings; however, typically after Easter everything returns to normal.  BUT there is a big difference between the Easter of history and the Easter of present day ...

The Easter of history ignited a MOVEMENT the likes of which the world has never seen ... thousands saved, a new religion launched, a new organization (the church) started that eventually overtook the most powerful empire the world had ever known.

Here's what I believe and am praying for this week:  for the moment to matter it has to become a movement!  The people who experienced the first Easter never got over it!! (I think this is why Jesus always asked people to "Follow Me", because follow means "move with".)  As a result, Christianity swept across the world as the Gospel of Jesus Christ captured life after life.

Now I believe that that the moment of Easter still matters.  The question for us today in 2008 is will it become a movement?  This weekend was amazing.  Sunday was amazing.  The fact of Easter is amazing.  God is amazing.  BUT ... will it become a movement of people finding new life in Christ?  Will we "get over it" and "go back to normal" OR ... will we refuse to "get over it"?  Will we refuse to be normal because it is not normal for someone to rise from the dead ... and that Someone is our Lord!!!!!!!!!

So I believe this week and this Sunday is REALLY important.  Seeds were planted Sunday.  Invitations were extended and big prayers were prayed. What happens next? The tomb is still empty, Jesus is still alive, and the promise of Easter is still available. 

So would you pray big for this Sunday?  Invite someone to church with you?  Worship with the same passion this week (because the tomb is still empty!)? Love people like Jesus does?  Live with undying hope in the God that death could not kill? Be a movement Christ-follower, & not a normal Christian?

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