Monday, March 17, 2008

Bible Study: Acts

In preparation for Vision Sunday I read through the Book of Acts ... what a vision for the church!!!  I'm inspired every time I read it.  Here are some highlights:

  • The church could not move forward without seeking and waiting on the power of God which came through the Holy Spirit.

    • There is no substitute for doing church by the power of the Holy Spirit ... we can be as creative and relevant and hospitable, etc. etc but without God's power nothing significant happens.

    • Prayer is a big part of bringing in the Holy Spirit's power: the 120 first church members prayed for 10 days and then look what happened; Paul prayed & fasted for 3 days and became one of the greatest evangelists and church planters ever.

  • 3000 people were saved in ONE DAY!!

  • The first church acted quickly and decisively to protect their unity and the purity of the Gospel.

    • A couple was struck dead in Acts 5 ... talk about nipping it in the bud!!

    • The church leaders quickly realized that Christ died for EVERYONE and that the Gospel was for EVERYONE so they quickly broadened the scope of their ministry to Gentiles.

  • The first churches were culturally sensitive but they never compromised their message.

  • In Pisidian Antioch, Paul & Barnabas spoke and the next week almost the whole city came to church!! (Acts 13:42-44).

    • I pray for that type of influence and impact in our communities!!

  • Satan knows the names of those who are spreading the Gospel!!  (Acts 19:15)

  • Count how many times it reads in the Scriptures that Paul and his team "encouraged the believers".  He appointed Elders and pastors in each church to care for and shepherd the people.

    • We must grow larger and yet smaller at the same time.  Our ability to care for people and nurture people in their faith is very important. 

    • I believe reaching people is a HUGE part of what we do and who the church is supposed to be, BUT the church must also help encourage people in their walk with Christ.

    • This is a MAJOR reason why we hired our Connections Pastor; this is the benefit to multi-site because the Campus Pastor gets to focus a lot of his energy on this; this is why we started the CONNECT ENVIRONMENT after each service so people can meet some staff members, get information, or receive prayer.  {Carll does a great job with this environment at our Calhoun Campus ... and great job to Alfred, Brenda, Kim, Gail, & Melisa for making it happen in Dalton}

  • Final thought: the nature of the Gospel is to spread (Acts 13:47).

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