Monday, February 4, 2008

Things That Make You Go 'Hmm'

Heard something the other day that I just have to blog about.  I hear this statement every now and then, but I see it in action in a lot of churches.  Here it is:  churches ought to take care of their members first.   Now on the front end that sounds good and makes sense.  This explains why I cannot go to the country club, local gyms, or use just any bank ... because I am not a member.  If I were one, then they would provide me with a service and take care of my needs.  However, when you look at the creator of the church, Jesus, this philosophy breaks down completely and in doing so shatters the notion of church for many people.

  • Jesus gave up His "God" privileges to serve ... us! (Philippians 2:7)

  • Jesus told people all that time that He came to seek and save those who were lost (Luke 19:10).

  • Jesus said that it is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick (Mark 2:17)

  • I love this counter statement (can't remember who said it):  The church is the only organization that does not exist solely for its members!

So while I expect the local gym to only serve its members and my bank to serve me, I cannot (in light of Jesus' approach to ministry) say that the my church should serve me first.  Jesus' approach was others first.  Jesus built an army not a country club.  Jesus founded a movement not a monument.  Jesus was radical about redeeming lost people, helping hurting people, and loving unlovable people.  That is and must always be what we are committed to at Rock Bridge.  Sure, we seek to provide spiritual environments and opportunities for our members BUT we exist for those outside of the faith, outside of the four walls of the church, outside of God's will, and those who would & could die outside of heaven's gates IF WE DO NOT SEEK THEM TO SHOW THEM GOD'S LOVE & GRACE & HOPE & PURPOSE!!!!  This is why ...

  • We want people to serve ... because Jesus did!

  • We encourage people to invite people to church ... because we talk about Jesus and offer His grace each week.

  • We ask people to sit down front and support the 1st service.  Because it is not about what is convenient for us personally ... we've got all of eternity & heaven for things to be convenient ... it is about us making temporary sacrifices like Christ did ... to serve others and make room for others so that THEY can find Jesus!!

  • We are committing to being a multi-site church ... because Jesus came to us and we must go as well.

So this means if you are a member of Rock Bridge, we will keep challenging the traditional notion of membership; we will keep asking you to sacrifice your time, your treasure, and your talents for the sake of those that Jesus died for; and we will keep pursuing efforts to love the unlovable, reach the unreached, and offer God's hope to people without it.

Here's some more thoughts (that WILL challenge you) by two warriors for the kingdom who are seeking to reach people who are far from God:

  • Check out this post by Gary Lamb of Revolution Church in Canton, Georgia.  Gary is a great friend who is radical about reaching the lost.  His church is in the middle of a tremendous wave of new growth and about 70% of the people Revolution reaches were previously not in church.

  • This post by Michael L. (can't spell his last name) will challenge you like it did me (make sure to read some of the comments).  You may not agree with all of it, but you cannot disagree with Michael's heart to be "salt & light".  Michael pastors Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville, GA.  They are about 18 months old, running 800+.  He's a great leader that God is using big time.

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