Thursday, February 12, 2015

Rock Bridge 10k...

Hello Rock Bridge!
2015 is off to an amazing start as we see more people being consistent in worship attendance than any other season in recent history (see Hebrews 10:24-25). Many of these people are looking to connect with us, our church; they want to learn more and discover the difference Jesus and His church make. So I want to encourage you in 5 areas:
  • Keep praying! Ask God to move people to connect to life in Christ!
  • Keep inviting! Who are you actively investing in, praying for, and seeking opportunities to point them to King Jesus?!
  • Keep welcoming! Let's help people feel welcome. Help people find seats (even if it means giving up our own or going to a different service time).
  • Keep connecting! Remember that church is not about attendance at an event, but connection to Jesus, His body, and His mission. This is why we want to encourage people to find a ministry team, small group, or come to the Connect Dinner.
  • Keep envisioning! Imagine God using Rock Bridge not only to fuel your own spiritual growth but to reach and connect even more disconnected people! Imagine watching one of your disconnected friends or relatives being baptized! Imagine offering more "H.O.P.E." (Local Missions) to people who are in poverty or tough situations. Imagine MORE glory to God because of MORE disciples, MORE worshippers, MORE Kingdom-seekers.
This envisioning is exactly what our Elders have been doing, and I'm excited to share that we are seeking to discern how Rock Bridge could be positioned to connect 10,000 people in NW Georgia and the Tennessee Valley to life in Christ!! Can you imagine?!  Rock Bridge @ 10k!

That's bold! That's bigger than any of us! That's God-sized!
But you know what? At Rock Bridge, we've been our best when we've been the boldest! Think about how we started with 25 people, launched multi-site, kicked off Rock Bridge PM, or started our HOPE initiatives … each of those were big and bold for God! That's who we are!

Would you pray this verse with me?

Ephesians 3:20-21
Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

I love His church @ RBCC!
God bless!

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