Did God create the devil?
Scripture indicates that the devil was an angel who originally led other angels in worship of God. Eventually, this angel was overcome with pride and the desire to replace God and be the one who received worship. This resulted in a war in heaven with many angels being cast down from heaven. These events came before the events in Genesis 3, when we see the devil now attacking and tempting God’s ultimate creation--humankind.
[See Revelation 12:7-13; Isaiah 14:12-17]
If people were created in the image of God (imago Dei) why do we sin & do evil?
Being created in the image of God does not mean we are God who is incapable of sin. Being made in the image of God means that we have the capacity to think and reason, make meaningful choices, reflect the goodness of God into creation, be creative, and share a relationship with our Creator.
Ultimately, we used the decision-making capability to rebel against God and commit sins.
The End of Times
Are we living in the end of times? Is the rapture imminent?
Jesus clearly states 2 things: no one but the Father knows when the end will come (Matthew 24:36) and the gospel must be preached to all nations (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10).
So while we are closer to the end of times events than we were yesterday, no one knows for sure. Also, I do not yet think the Gospel has preached “to all nations” (=ethnic groups) so there is still work for us to do as Jesus’ church and as His ambassadors.
How do we interpret Revelation? Are events in Revelation occurring now?
Revelation must be interpreted first and foremost from its original setting and context, which was to a suffering and persecuted group of Christians in the 1st Century. The imagery and symbolism present in Revelation meant something to these 1st Century Christians; therefore, we must be extremely careful about drawing modern day parallels. To do so is to risk reading something into the inspired biblical text that is not there.
Why did you speak ill of those who are doing as the Bible says and that is to be prepared for The Day of The Lord? Only God knows the hour. You missed a great opportunity to help people be ready for that hour. How many did you harm?
I am sorry that you sensed me speaking of ill of people on this particular subject and that was not my intention--for that I apologize.
I would say that being prepared for the Day of the Lord is being a disciple of Jesus and that every week we teach people about being His disciple and how to become a follower of His. The outline of Scripture we gave this weekend (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration) was a summary of the gospel, which is the ultimate way to know how to be prepared for God’s return. I pray there was no harm in that.
My intent was to discourage reading into every current event signs of the coming of Christ. Our main task as Christians is bring the reality of Christ and His Kingdom into a world in desparate of need of Him.
How far should Christians go to influence politics/policy toward a Christian worldview?
We must be careful against thinking that we can legislate morality because we cannot. Instead, we can advocate for laws and legislation that promote the well-being of society.
The government incentivizes marriage because it believes marriage is good for society. However, we must remember that government did not create nor should it attempt to define marriage. To do so is guilty of usurpation of God’s authority.
Similarly, the government does not get to define when life begins but it can and should protect human life--all human life.
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