From a Shaw truck right outside our apartment in NYC to an abundance of Coca-Cola in often drought-stricken Ethiopia, our world is smaller and more connected than ever. We experience this emotionally when we see images of suffering in Japan. We experience this economically when Middle East unrest causes “pain at the pump” at home. We are more aware and more affected by global events. As Christ-followers, what is our response? What does this mean for us?
The story of the Good Samaritan reminds us that AWARENESS + ABILITY = RESPONSIBILITY.
When we are aware of a need or issue and have the ability to meet that need, then we must respond … it is our responsibility, and it is part of our God-given mission. Once we overcome the temptation of apathy (indifference), then we can easily step into action … because (thanks be to God) we do have the ability to make a difference.
PRAYER: Long ago God ordained prayer as how we talk to Him and ask for His grace to be targeted to our needs. Prayer is like a walkie-talkie that we use to call in heavenly strikes of sufficient grace. Long before airplanes and the web gave us the ability to send resources and people to areas of need, God called us to pray … and He promises to respond.
The Missions section of our web site lists people groups that have yet to be impacted by the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Joshua Project is a great tool for learning about unreached people groups. The daily news cycle makes us aware of needs that we can respond to simply through prayer.
GIVING: How we steward money says a lot about what we think of our “Good Samaritan” responsibility. Today, you can send a text message and immediately donate to reputable organizations meeting needs in Jesus’ Name. The local church holds the biblical distinction of being the primary storehouse AND clearinghouse for collecting and distributing need-meeting, Christ-exalting resources.
GOING: All of us can “go” with the Gospel into our neighborhoods, workplace, and areas of social interaction. Some of us can “go” on trips. All of us should be open to God’s leading … and He will lead all of His followers to “go” in some way.
GLOCAL: Thanks to God we, more than any other generation, can overcome geographic limitations to be difference makers through the Gospel. So just as Shaw and Coke are with their products, let’s be “glocal” [local + global] with Christianity … and never forget--our product is best!!
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