- Carll is also back from vacation today. We've got one more staff member taking vacation this week, then we'll all be back in full force at the office.
- I haven't ridden my bike since getting back from vacation ... and I need to.
- The progress in Stage 123 is amazing!!
- We've had lots of participation in our Life Focus groups (i.e. -- Marriage Enrichment, Romans, Divorce Care, etc.) this summer. Most of these groups will be offered off and on throughout the year. These are great, short-term groups that have a long-term impact. Email connect@rockbridge.cc if you have any questions about Life Focus groups.
- First Wednesday resumes in August ... and officially kicks-off in Calhoun!!
- Our web site is still down ... sorry! The problem is not on our end but we're doing all we can to get it back up.
- Our Children's Ministry team is now writing the curriculum we use on Sunday mornings ... and with great results. Really proud of our team in Dalton & Calhoun ... those children environments are great.
- I know people get saved in many ways but I spoke and prayed with a person who was saved in a very powerful way today ... it was so awesome!! Seeing people come to Jesus is something that never gets old and is what it is all about!!!!!
- Remember we have 500 seats opening up this Fall at 9:30 and 11:00 (total of 1000 seats). That is HUGE!! 1000 seats = 1000 souls = 1000 people that could meet Jesus!! Who are you praying for? Who will you seek to invite?
- Now I know some people who buy into the "church is too big" philosophy whenever you talk about church "growth". I'd invite them to read Perry Noble's comments below for consideration (also consider that the first church went from 120 to 3000 in one day ... I'd love to be part of something like that!!)
The “This Is Too Big” Person
These people amaze me. A church will begin growing, lives will begin to change…literally the Bible begins to come to life…and because a person finally has to face the fact that the church is not about them…they take off, saying that the church is TOO BIG. Now, that same person will go to a college football game the day before with between 80,000 to 100,000 fans (99% of whom they do not know) and be absolutely PUMPED that the stadium is packed. (Usually a sign that the team is winning!) BUT…they want to go to “God’s house” the next day and desire for it to be small and “intimate.” Hmm, they want the football crowd to grow and the church crowd to be small… Bottom line…the church is SUPPOSED to grow–period! And if it gets “too big” for someone, I would say it’s because their heart is “too small.” Seriously, ask yourself, what spiritual force would motivate someone to get angry when large numbers of people are coming to Christ and being taught to walk in an intimate relationship with Him? Jesus…or satan?
- Whether you agree with Perry or not, let's never forget that God's heart and His heaven are big enough for EVERY sinner who calls on the Name of His Son ... and we the church are called to preach that Name, live by that Name, and worship that Name ... and that Bible promises that when that Name is preached God will draw people to Himself!!
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