Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rock Bridge PM is Moving!!

Starting Thursday, January 5th our Rock Bridge PM service is relocating to Stage 123. We are very excited about this move and believe it will continue to make church on Thursday night an exciting option for people to attend church who could not or would not normally attend on a Sunday morning.

Please use this as an opportunity to tell people about church on Thursday nights! We've seen lots of people be able to attend church since we added Rock Bridge PM but we still hear lots of people who are "in the dark" about Rock Bridge PM's existence.

Here's some reasons why we are moving from the Wink to Stage 123 on January 5th:

1-More relational. Stage 123 features a large lobby that will make meeting and connecting relationally with people easier.
2-Easier to access. The long, sloped aisles of the Wink make it challenging for some people to navigate.  Stage 123 is flat with multiple entry points.
3-It Fits the "vibe". Rock Bridge PM is an energetic (people are more awake at 6:30 pm than Sunday am!), casual service created with the weekend worker/traveler in mind. Stage 123 is casual, comfortable, and (by design) very connected (cafe, lobby, worship space all flows & fits together). This venue lends itself to greater "intimacy" with the worship leader, teacher, and with other attenders, creating great potential for the maximum witness of Christ's presence to occur. {The Wink is better suited for larger crowds and the use of enhanced technology.}

Rock Bridge PM was also created for ...

  • The person who partied too much on Saturday night and will never make Sunday AM church unless it is Easter or Mother's Day.

  • The person who has an early morning tee time.

  • The person whose scheduled is predetermined by the kids' extracurriculars and/or ESPN and the NFL.

  • The person who has stereotyped church as boring, "same ole, same ole" and irrelevant.

We think Stage 123 gives us a better "shot" at helping them understand and experience the difference Jesus and His Church make ... and gives YOU a better chance at offering a more desirable and acceptable invitation for people to attend a church service.

"... I have become all things to all people, so that I may by every possible means save some."
--The Apostle Paul, I Corinthians 9:22b

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Making the Ask

Over and over again we hear that the #1 reason people first attend Rock Bridge is that they were invited!! Additionally, national research shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans are open and receptive to hear information about a church from a family member, friend, or neighbor. Historically, the new year represents a great opportunity to invite new people to church -- new year, new resolutions, new habits, and a new openness.  (We are also starting a new series, "The Joy Switch" on January 5th & 8th.)

A big reason why people should be invited to church is because seeing Christians interact with one another and with God in worship is a key factor the Holy Spirit often uses in drawing them to salvation (John 17:21; I Cor. 14:24-25).  People are starving to see real love  in action and need to see it in a first hand experience. The reality of experiencing biblical community & authentic worship in a church blows away the false ideas of Christianity that the enemy has planted in the mind of society.

I am praying BIG for lots of invitations to be offered and to be accepted ...

Then the master told the slave, ‘Go out into the highways and lanes and make them come in, so that my house may be filled." {Luke 14:23}

Here are some suggestions for inviting people to church with you:

1-Pray for specific people (neighbor, co-worker, your cousin) and for specific opportunities (at work, the store, the gym).
2-Eliminate specific fears they may have
--Fear of being singled out; worry about dress codes; fear of speaking; concerns about child care; confusing or irrelevant services
3-Invite repeatedly.
--Research shows it may take 6 or more times for the invitation to even be seriously considered!
4-Invite relationally.
--Offer to meet them somewhere before church so they can sit with you; take them out to eat after church. Keep it personal.
5-Remember could be at stake ...
--Their salvation? Having a church home & family? Understanding the full love of God? God's amazing grace?
--More glory to God when more people praise His Name!

Dear God,
We pray in Jesus' Name for Your house to be full. Put people on our minds and in our paths that need to see Jesus in us and need to encounter Him through Your body, the Church.  Give us great favor as we invite people to church in 2012. Let people see the love, grace, and superiority in Jesus. We are Your ambassadors, use us for Your purposes. Amen.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Elder Recommendations

At First Wednesday this week (Dec. 7th), we will have a short business meeting. One item for action will be to approve a group of new elders to begin serving in January. The selection process includes nominations from church members; review of church involvement (membership; small group; volunteering; giving); review by church staff; written interview questions; in person interview; background check; and lots of prayer.

The Elder Selection team of Matt Evans, Steven Hare, Gus Waters, Joann Middleton, and Amy McIntosh recommends the following three individuals to the church for approval and affirmation:

TONY HELTON (Dalton Campus)
Tony became a Christian as a child but really began "owning" his relationship with Jesus in his early 20s.  He leads a small group and serves in Children's Ministry as a tech coordinator for large group environments.
Tony is committed to the vision of Rock Bridge, sees God moving here, and loves the focus that every Christian is "on the mission field".

MICHAEL OGLES (Calhoun Campus)
Michael became a Christian as a teenager and has been at Rock Bridge since 2008. He is a small group leader, serves on the Host Team, and works to disciple/mentor men.  Michael recently went to Honduras with our church to dig a clean water well.
He values the "come as you are" atmosphere of RBCC and the focus on simplicity and excellence.

VIC WEBB (Chatsworth Campus)
Vic became a Christian in high school.  He had been out of church until the death of his father which brought him to RBCC where he has passionately attended and served. He serves in the Tech/Production team and leads a small group. Vic sees the biblical and strategic importance of strong small groups and values the friendly and exciting atmosphere of the church.