When I was a teenager I remember reading a book by Billy Graham where he explained why the blood sacrifice of Jesus was necessary to give new and eternal life. He quoted Leviticus 17:11 --
For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves ... it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.
Like so many things God uses a physical reality to demonstrate a spiritual truth. As blood is necessary for us to live physically, blood would be necessary for us to live spiritually. And not just any blood, only the pure and perfect blood of Jesus Christ. Without this blood there can be no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). But the power of this blood goes beyond just forgiveness -- it also brings His goodness and abundant life, instead of His wrath against our sinfulness (Romans 5:9; Romans 8:32).
Today we rejoice because Beth is receiving new blood. A gift of grace and a miracle of mercy flowing from the greatest grace gift and most miraculous mercy ever -- the Cross. Here Jesus' physical life-blood removed the Father's wrath and replaced it with His goodness that now comes in many forms of His rich and sufficient grace. We celebrate the goodness of God in the form of 19 million new and healthy stem cells entering Beth's body to produce new, healthy, and leukemia-free blood cells. Life is indeed in the blood!
While nothing is greater than the salvation Christ purchased for us with His blood, we still praise God for His "lesser" graces (like a bone marrow transplant) that give Him glory and give us a foretaste of His eternal goodness. These foretastes remind us that the best is yet to come and victory is assured as we live by His blood-bought grace in a sin-stained world full of pain and suffering. While Beth's battle with leukemia is not over with today's transplant, we know and believe that there is "power, wonder-working power" in the blood!!
Hebrews 13:20-21 Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Our Mission is to glorify God by connecting people from all walks of life to life in Christ.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Power in the Blood
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Intense Treatment: Specific Prayer Requests
We've officially completed 2 days of intense treatment: total body irradiation and the start of chemotherapy. Thursday is the start of 4 days of very powerful drugs: 2 chemotherapy drugs and a transplant preparing drug. The side effects can be quite intense.
Prayer continues to be a source of strength and grace to us so we wanted to ask for some specific requests over the next several days:
Prayer continues to be a source of strength and grace to us so we wanted to ask for some specific requests over the next several days:
- Minimal side effects to these powerful treatments; specifically, no adverse reactions.
- For Beth to remain infection free.
- For no fevers (Beth has had a fever the past 2 days).
- For these treatments to be 100% effective in getting rid of her leukemia and bone marrow.
- For sleep & rest.
- For peace & comfort.
- For EVERYTHING regarding the donor process on December 27th and the transport of the marrow to NYC to go flawless.
- For an ABUNDANCE of donor stem cells to be collected (the more the merrier as they say :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Transplant Process Begins
On Tuesday Beth is admitted to the hospital for bone marrow transplant. This begins a very critical phase in our battle with leukemia. We wanted to share some specific things and to ask for very specific prayers during this period of time.
During the first day Beth will receive one dose of "total body irradiation". This treatment jump starts the process of destroying her bone marrow and leukemia cells. Then for the next 4 days she receives chemotherapy which works to ensure all of her marrow and leukemia cells are wiped out. Both of these treatments are closely monitored and regulated because of Beth having Fanconi anemia which is the underlying cause of this leukemia. This is also why we are being treated in NYC at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, one of only 2 hospitals in America with experience and success in transplanting adult Fanconi patients.
On December 27th, the donor gives blood and marrow. Beth is due to receive it on either the 28th or the 29th. It takes 7-14 days for the marrow to "ingraft" and start producing healthy cells. There are four specific things that we need protection against: rejection of the donor's marrow, "Graft Versus Host Disease" (when the old blood & marrow fights the new marrow), infections (from bacteria, viruses, and fungi), and organ toxicity (this is the most unpredictable danger). The doctors do many things to prevent and reduce the odds of any of these 4 things happening, but we of course want to pray against them!
Lastly, we continue to learn so much about God's grace. It often comes in unexpected ways and sometimes we even miss it, but it is always there and always sufficient. Pray for us to see this grace, treasure it, and when possible to share it. One thing we have not missed is the grace that comes from our church family. How people could go through something like this without having a faith family makes us more burdened for the unchurched. Thank you Rock Bridge for being a source of God's grace to us!!
During the first day Beth will receive one dose of "total body irradiation". This treatment jump starts the process of destroying her bone marrow and leukemia cells. Then for the next 4 days she receives chemotherapy which works to ensure all of her marrow and leukemia cells are wiped out. Both of these treatments are closely monitored and regulated because of Beth having Fanconi anemia which is the underlying cause of this leukemia. This is also why we are being treated in NYC at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, one of only 2 hospitals in America with experience and success in transplanting adult Fanconi patients.
- Pray for the complete destruction of her marrow and leukemia cells. This is essential to helping her body receive the new marrow.
- Pray for the side effects of these powerful treatments to be minimal.
- Pray for her to stay free from infection. Her blood counts will be wiped out and staying infection free is a big goal.
- Pray for God's wisdom to work through the doctors.
On December 27th, the donor gives blood and marrow. Beth is due to receive it on either the 28th or the 29th. It takes 7-14 days for the marrow to "ingraft" and start producing healthy cells. There are four specific things that we need protection against: rejection of the donor's marrow, "Graft Versus Host Disease" (when the old blood & marrow fights the new marrow), infections (from bacteria, viruses, and fungi), and organ toxicity (this is the most unpredictable danger). The doctors do many things to prevent and reduce the odds of any of these 4 things happening, but we of course want to pray against them!
- Pray for the new marrow to ingraft and for new, healthy cells to be produced and for Beth to be completely healed!!
- Pray against marrow rejection & Graft Versus Host Disease.
- Pray for Beth to stay infection free.
- Pray for Beth's organs to stay healthy & strong ... pray against organ toxicity.
Lastly, we continue to learn so much about God's grace. It often comes in unexpected ways and sometimes we even miss it, but it is always there and always sufficient. Pray for us to see this grace, treasure it, and when possible to share it. One thing we have not missed is the grace that comes from our church family. How people could go through something like this without having a faith family makes us more burdened for the unchurched. Thank you Rock Bridge for being a source of God's grace to us!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
My Assistant
Several years ago our elders counseled me to get an executive assistant to help manage my time better, keep me focused on the right things, and help things run smoothly. As is so often the case, their wisdom proved right.
For the past several years I was blessed to have Carla Bray serve as my assistant. She managed my schedule, helped with sermon props, coordinated our baptism celebrations, and developed a robust and incredibly effective pastoral care ministry.
Recently, Carla felt God nudging her out of vocational ministry and into a job that allowed her to be more flexible with her hours and more able to be with her family, especially her new grandson! God has opened such a door for Carla and she has officially left our staff, although she will still coordinate our baptism events. I can only say that her service to me, our church, and so many families going through tough times was nothing short of amazing and of God.
We have decided to take an unconventional approach for my next assistant. We have outsourced this role to a new company called "MAG" - Miles Advisory Group. My assistant lives in the Atlanta area and manages my schedule, contacts, meetings, and administrative functions through the internet and phone. This new approach takes advantage of technology and is a cost-effective approach to providing executive assistance to churches.
My new assistant's name is Betsy Burgis. Already her efficiency, professionalism, and love for the local church is evident. Betsy has the added challenge of helping me stay connected and "in the loop" while I spend a lot of time in NYC with Beth ... and it is working great.
Betsy's Contact information:
Email: betsy@rockbridge.cc
Office: 706-279-3175 (Rock Bridge central office)
Direct line: 706-489-9226
For the past several years I was blessed to have Carla Bray serve as my assistant. She managed my schedule, helped with sermon props, coordinated our baptism celebrations, and developed a robust and incredibly effective pastoral care ministry.
Recently, Carla felt God nudging her out of vocational ministry and into a job that allowed her to be more flexible with her hours and more able to be with her family, especially her new grandson! God has opened such a door for Carla and she has officially left our staff, although she will still coordinate our baptism events. I can only say that her service to me, our church, and so many families going through tough times was nothing short of amazing and of God.
We have decided to take an unconventional approach for my next assistant. We have outsourced this role to a new company called "MAG" - Miles Advisory Group. My assistant lives in the Atlanta area and manages my schedule, contacts, meetings, and administrative functions through the internet and phone. This new approach takes advantage of technology and is a cost-effective approach to providing executive assistance to churches.
My new assistant's name is Betsy Burgis. Already her efficiency, professionalism, and love for the local church is evident. Betsy has the added challenge of helping me stay connected and "in the loop" while I spend a lot of time in NYC with Beth ... and it is working great.
Betsy's Contact information:
Email: betsy@rockbridge.cc
Office: 706-279-3175 (Rock Bridge central office)
Direct line: 706-489-9226
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Weekly Rundown (12.12.2010)
- Today's message was exciting and challenging for me to prepare and share as we learned about the judgment that awaits us at the 2nd Coming ... we are judged by how we respond to God's grace (I Corinthians 3:10-15). It's amazing when you think about how much grace God gives us every day that we miss, ignore, or take for granted.
- The greatest example of God's grace is His gift of His Son, Jesus Christ given to us!!
- Next week we will wrap up "Christmas: The Sequel" will a look at the new heaven & new earth. And I'm getting excited about the series for the new year ...
- There is so much "God" stuff going on around Rock Bridge right now ... and it's not just the typical attendance, offering, and baptism numbers ... it is that stuff AND MORE --
- We prayed and worshipped as a church for 24 straight hours ... the presence of God was so real!
- Our Calhoun campus is getting ready to move into a permanent facility ... renovation is underway!
- Momentum in our small groups is growing and building as we seek to "make disciples".
- Our sacrificial and generous giving through Less is More was incredible. So excited to our church trust & honor God with money.
- This week alone we sent money to help train church planters in Iraq, to get Bibles to believers in Burma, to help fund church planting in America, and to resource several local missions agencies that will help needy persons this Christmas season.
- I'm thanking God for our staff who is doing an amazing job leading our church right now. I'm learning all kinds of new tools to help me stay involved and connected while in NYC with Beth -- FaceTime, Evernote, AwesomeNote, email, etc.
- I got to spend a few hours with our boys this week and they are as amazing as ever. They are so resilient. Eyasu understands that "Mommy is sick and in New York getting better."
- We got this text one of our nieces: "Eyasu just told us that 'My mommy & daddy are my best friends.'" :)
- Update on Beth: She is still going through several tests in preparation for transplant. They found a cyst on her spleen Friday. We hope to know Monday if it is anything serious or will need to be removed which could delay transplant. We are praying BIG time that the transplant goes as scheduled.
- Prayer requests:
- For the cyst on Beth's spleen to not be a problem or obstacle for transplant.
- For Beth's counts to go up ... no transfusions prior to transplant is our specific request.
- For our friends Edwin & John.
- For the hope we have in Jesus Christ to be real to us and to seen through us!
- Prayer requests:
- Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! We'll be in NYC ... hoping for our first white Christmas :)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
News from NYC (12.9.2010)
Yesterday we learned that Beth's MDS has progressed further into leukemia (AML). The treatment plan is basically the same except for some changes in the radiation-chemotherapy regimen she will undergo prior to transplant.
Beth will be admitted into the hospital on December 21st, radiation on the 22nd, and chemotherapy for the next several days.
The transplant should occur on or around December 28th.
We are entering into a crucial phase in our fight and we continue to appreciate all the prayers and support!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Latest on Beth (12.4.2010)
We are starting to feel like a broken record but we must THANK YOU for your prayers, frequent flyer miles, gifts, etc. etc. that continue to bless us and to strengthen our spirits and hope.
The past week Beth spent a lot of time at the hospital. She had another bone marrow biopsy, received what is known as an IVIg injection (infection fighting antibodies), and went through a heart and lung test (everything looks great!!).
On Friday, we received word that one of the donors said "YES!" and is ready to give the marrow to Beth. We may never know who this person is but we are extremely grateful!! This means Beth will be admitted to the hospital on December 17th to begin transplant preparation which includes about a week of chemotherapy-radiation. The donor is scheduled to give her (we do know the donor is female) on December 27th which means Beth's transplant will begin within 48 hours.
Next week she has a dental exam. This appears to be only possible obstacle to the transplant schedule. Beth's wisdom teeth & gum area is swollen and painful (not healing due to low blood counts). If the dentist thinks the wisdom teeth have to come out, then the transplant would be delayed for about a week (assuming the donor agrees to the delay).
The past week Beth spent a lot of time at the hospital. She had another bone marrow biopsy, received what is known as an IVIg injection (infection fighting antibodies), and went through a heart and lung test (everything looks great!!).
On Friday, we received word that one of the donors said "YES!" and is ready to give the marrow to Beth. We may never know who this person is but we are extremely grateful!! This means Beth will be admitted to the hospital on December 17th to begin transplant preparation which includes about a week of chemotherapy-radiation. The donor is scheduled to give her (we do know the donor is female) on December 27th which means Beth's transplant will begin within 48 hours.
Next week she has a dental exam. This appears to be only possible obstacle to the transplant schedule. Beth's wisdom teeth & gum area is swollen and painful (not healing due to low blood counts). If the dentist thinks the wisdom teeth have to come out, then the transplant would be delayed for about a week (assuming the donor agrees to the delay).
- For COMPLETE healing ... miraculous and God-glorifying.
- For Beth to stay infection-free and her white & platelet count to increase.
- For no "wisdom teeth" delays.
- For our friend, Edwin, who just received a transplant last week.
- For our friend, John, who is recovering from Fanconi-related head & neck cancer.
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