By that I mean they do not want to submit to what God is doing in and through Rock Bridge, but rather they want the church to submit to their particular idea, issue, or pet project as a condition of their membership, service, involvement, or approval. Not that new ideas and initiatives are not welcome (they are), but they first must be filtered through our vision and core values. If it passes the "vision" test, then it must also be the right time in our church's history, which we discover through prayer and obtaining wise counsel.
So how do you spot an "ego"?
- The person who introduces themselves by giving their extensive resume.
- The person who is quick to point out what they think your church lacks (usually it is something they could provide, but not something God requires).
- The person who wants to jump into leadership right away (or sing a solo) without taking the time to submit, serve, and learn.
- The person who will not listen or take the time to learn what God is uniquely up to in your church ... because they believe they are the "magic bullet" for your church's needs.
- The person who think it should be "one way" (i.e. "their way") and gets upset, threatens to quit, or leaves when it is done another way.
"Ego" has been checked and left behind when ...
- Their attitude and actions are defined by the question, "How can I help?"
- Told "No" or "Not now", they submit and exhibit a positive attitude.
- They quietly serve and seek direction from God BEFORE seeking influence, leadership positions, or the "spotlight".
Seven plus years ago we realized the danger of our "ego" and coined the phrase, "Leave your ego at the door ... because ego equals "Edging God Out". I'm thankful we did so we could hear God speak and submit to His voice, not our fleshly preferences, not-found-in-the-Bible traditions, or causes motivated by our pride. This means we sometimes have to say "No" to people whose ideas and suggestions are not born through prayer and are not motivated by God's glory. This means they usually don't stay around for long.