Below is a letter we received from someone who recently lost a loved one. This letter is a living example of what it means to really be the church and be known for a radical, selfless, Christ-like love.
To my Rock Bridge family,
How can I ever repay the love and kindness you have shown to me and my family during the loss of my {loved one}. I am so blessed to be part of a church that cares so much for its members. The food, the prayers, and the support you have given me has meant the world to me. I have never felt the love as I did in our time of sorrow ... thank you so much!
Our Mission is to glorify God by connecting people from all walks of life to life in Christ.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Adoption Update (late July '09)
Beth & I have been overwhelmed by all the support, prayers, and encouragement that we have received regarding our adoption process from Ethiopia. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Many of you have asked how things are going and where we are in the process ...
Right now we are basically just waiting for what is called a "referral". Our adoption agency, WACAP, will contact us to "refer" children to us that match what we have requested. For Ethiopia this referal process takes many months. For some countries this process can take months and even years.
Why does it take so long? Beth & I ask ourselves this question a lot, especially with almost 150 million orphans in the world! However, there are few factors that drive the wait:
Many of you have asked how things are going and where we are in the process ...
Right now we are basically just waiting for what is called a "referral". Our adoption agency, WACAP, will contact us to "refer" children to us that match what we have requested. For Ethiopia this referal process takes many months. For some countries this process can take months and even years.
Why does it take so long? Beth & I ask ourselves this question a lot, especially with almost 150 million orphans in the world! However, there are few factors that drive the wait:
- The sheer bureaucracy involved (two governments and multiple agencies), much of which is necessary to protect children and families from corrupt practices.
- The "rainy" season -- Ethiopia is in the tropics and has a 6-8 week long rainy season from mid-July to September. Many government services and agencies have to close and rolling blackouts are common in the cities. Travel is limited.
- Court -- the court has to investigate and be satisfied that each child is in fact an orphan and is best served through adoption. The process takes time, court dates have to be scheduled, and appropriate parties have to all be present.
What happens once we get a "referral"? A few things happen at this point ...
- Beth and I receive detailed information about the children (pictures, videos, medical information, age, life circumstances, etc). We then have a week or so to accept or deny the referral.
- If we accept, then our agency works to schedule a court date for an Ethiopian judge to officially make us the legal parents of the children. (We do not have to be present for this).
- After our children become "ours" and "pass" court, we would then travel to Ethiopia to bring our children to their new home! In Ethiopia, we go to the U.S. embassy to obtain visas for the children. Travel usually happens about 2-4 months after court. We would be there for 5-7 days and then ...
- WE COME HOME!!!!!!
Keep praying for us, for our "future" children, and God's sovereign "hand" to direct this process for His glory.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Weekly Rundown (7.26.09)
- So we called an "audible" and began a 2-part series on prayer today. All of us on staff really sensed the need to "pray" as people in our church face uncertainty, deal with sin, and seek to grow in Christ. My conviction is that we seriously underestimate prayer's power and purpose, at least I know I do.
- TODAY'S BIG IDEA: Prayer is how we live "eternally" while on earth.
- Last round of staff vacations is this week. I'm glad our team members are getting some well deserved R & R.
- Last week was a really great week for me. I got to spend some time with church members & volunteers as well as some people who are returning to the Christian faith and to church.
- Additionally, we continue to have some really healthy conversations and discussions on our staff.
- A lot of you have been asking about our adoption process ... I'm devoted an entire blog post to it this week :)
- College football is getting closer and closer :)
- Don't forget that NEXT Sunday night is our final Summer Night of Worship ... at the Civic Auditorium in Calhoun.
- God is good, the tomb is empty, Jesus is alive ... have a great week!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Small Group Leaders Needed!
One of the biggest needs in our church right now is for people to facilitate small groups. We currently have MORE people wanting to be in groups than we have groups for them to join!! That is why we are praying this verse BIG time: Luke 10:2 --Please join us in praying for this for our church!!
I also believe wholeheartedly that there are people in our church who God may be asking to serve in this capacity ... maybe you? Maybe someone you know who you could encourage to become a group facilitator?
Here's some things you may NOT know about facilitating a group:
1) You do NOT have to be a Bible expert or scholar to lead a small group. The vast majority of groups simply discuss the message from Sunday and our staff provides easy to follow discussion guides. If you listen to the message, you know enough to facilitate a Bible conversation!!
2) You do NOT have to be a Bible teacher to lead a small group. Why? Because in a small group EVERYONE talks, discusses, and interacts. You just help keep the conversation moving.
3) You do need to LOVE PEOPLE and LOVE TO SEE LIFE CHANGE ... because those things happen in group life. Small groups are the best environments to experience God's love and to facilitate life change as people align their lives with God's will, are changed by His amazing grace, and are set free by His truth!!
4) You do need to believe the truth, power and wisdom of these verses: Hebrews 10:25 & Proverbs 13:20. Following the principles of these verses and trusting God's reason for giving them gives us confidence to be in community together, pray for God to bless your group meetings, and trust God for the results.
5) You will be equipped and encouraged by our Groups & Discipleship staff. They'll meet with you to help you understand the basics and get your group going; they'll be praying for you and available anytime to serve you and help you!!
Contact Jay Ashlock: or Megan Hobby: to get started!
I also believe wholeheartedly that there are people in our church who God may be asking to serve in this capacity ... maybe you? Maybe someone you know who you could encourage to become a group facilitator?
Here's some things you may NOT know about facilitating a group:
1) You do NOT have to be a Bible expert or scholar to lead a small group. The vast majority of groups simply discuss the message from Sunday and our staff provides easy to follow discussion guides. If you listen to the message, you know enough to facilitate a Bible conversation!!
2) You do NOT have to be a Bible teacher to lead a small group. Why? Because in a small group EVERYONE talks, discusses, and interacts. You just help keep the conversation moving.
3) You do need to LOVE PEOPLE and LOVE TO SEE LIFE CHANGE ... because those things happen in group life. Small groups are the best environments to experience God's love and to facilitate life change as people align their lives with God's will, are changed by His amazing grace, and are set free by His truth!!
4) You do need to believe the truth, power and wisdom of these verses: Hebrews 10:25 & Proverbs 13:20. Following the principles of these verses and trusting God's reason for giving them gives us confidence to be in community together, pray for God to bless your group meetings, and trust God for the results.
5) You will be equipped and encouraged by our Groups & Discipleship staff. They'll meet with you to help you understand the basics and get your group going; they'll be praying for you and available anytime to serve you and help you!!
Contact Jay Ashlock: or Megan Hobby: to get started!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Weekly Rundown (7.19.09)
- I think we have had some really solid, although challenging services during the Wild, Wild Women series. I've enjoyed teaching on these characters (Sarah & Rahab) and the principles from their lives have seemed really timely for us as a church. I believe God is leveraging the recession and the uncertain times we are in to focus us on what matters, call us to repentance, and challenge us to depend on Him. While God's "refining" work is never easy, ultimately it is worth it as He brings us closer to Himself. Here's some things I am praying for our church:
- Psalm 42:1-2 -- God, let us thirst for You like never before. Satisfy us with Yourself.
- I Peter 2:1-3 -- God, let us crave You and Your Word.
- Great attendance numbers today for mid-July!!
- The deal to lease the old Harris-Sutton GM dealership in Chatsworth is a "No." We thought everything was good but in the end some details and "fine print" issues caused us to lose peace about it.
- We're still searching and praying; however, this is a good time to remember that Rock Bridge has never been defined by a building or location but by our love, acceptance, teaching of God's Word, and desire to connect disconnected people to Jesus. No matter where we meet those things will always matter most!
- I'm really pumped about the momentum we have going in our small groups right now. We're praying hard for more leader-facilitators to come forward, working hard to encourage our existing groups, and trying to make it as easy as possible to find and participate in a group.
- Why? Because we believe that good, godly things happen in our lives when we are in good, healthy small group environments. This has been the pattern since Jesus called the 12 disciples and the first church began.
- Our staff went on a dinner cruise this week on the Tennessee River. It was incredible and great to connect with each other outside of the office. We've got a great team!!
- I think downtown Chattanooga is one of the neatest and most beautiful places around!
- Next week we are starting a new series called "Prayer Works" on the work and power of prayer. The Scripture will be I John 5:11-15.
- Have a fantastic week!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Be Prepared: The Definition of Marriage
The biblical definition of marriage which originated as a religous, faith-based institution and later became "regulated" (in a sense) by the government is simple: one man and one woman committed to each other for life.
Why does the government get to or even want to have a voice in marriage? The history of government's role in marriage indicates that the government began issuing marriage licenses to promote the social & general welfare by protecting people from STDs, keeping accurate records, and giving the couple ample time to consider the commitment they would be making. I think the strongest case for a biblical-based and derived definition of marriage is that it is in the best interest of everyone because it does promote the general welfare of society ... all of society, not just heterosexual Christians.
Biblical marriage is best for children and thus, best for society. (While exceptions exist to this principle, overall the research is undeniable. Maybe we could phrase it that biblical marriage gives children the best opportunity to reach their full potential.)
Why does the government get to or even want to have a voice in marriage? The history of government's role in marriage indicates that the government began issuing marriage licenses to promote the social & general welfare by protecting people from STDs, keeping accurate records, and giving the couple ample time to consider the commitment they would be making. I think the strongest case for a biblical-based and derived definition of marriage is that it is in the best interest of everyone because it does promote the general welfare of society ... all of society, not just heterosexual Christians.
Biblical marriage is best for children and thus, best for society. (While exceptions exist to this principle, overall the research is undeniable. Maybe we could phrase it that biblical marriage gives children the best opportunity to reach their full potential.)
- One of the most fundamental ideas about marriage that crosses historical and culture lines is that it is best for children. God originally created marriage as the approved means for Adam & Eve to "be fruitful and multiply."
- Anytime the biblical definition of marriage is changed the result has been an increase in the number of out-of-wedlock births. Unmarried parents break up at a rate of two to three times more than married parents. The result: more poverty, more crime, and higher government costs to combat the poverty and crime which leads to higher taxes. Consider these examples:
- When same-sex marriages were legalized in Norway out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed in the first decade because one of the purposes of marriage was compromised and its true permanency contested.
- The poverty rate for African American children is roughly 40%; for African American children being raised by both parents, the poverty rate drops to 13%!!
The marriage debate is not about civil rights, discrimination, or equality.
The "equal protection" clause in the Constitution exists to protect people, not actions or behaviors. Marriage is an action by people, and laws do discriminate between certain actions and behaviors. For example, I cannot go walking on I-75. That would be bad for other travelers, for commerce, and for me. So the law does not allow me to walk ... on an interstate. But I can walk ... on a road with sidewalks, in a gym, or in a park. Therefore, I do not think it is about discrimination to limit marriage to one man and one woman. Rather it is the law defining appropriate actions in an appropriate context that promotes the overall general welfare of our soceity. In other words, biblical marriage promotes what is best for society by protecting what is best for children: being raised by their father and mother. When this does not exist for children, the track record is not good and the cost on society is high.
The "equal protection" clause in the Constitution exists to protect people, not actions or behaviors. Marriage is an action by people, and laws do discriminate between certain actions and behaviors. For example, I cannot go walking on I-75. That would be bad for other travelers, for commerce, and for me. So the law does not allow me to walk ... on an interstate. But I can walk ... on a road with sidewalks, in a gym, or in a park. Therefore, I do not think it is about discrimination to limit marriage to one man and one woman. Rather it is the law defining appropriate actions in an appropriate context that promotes the overall general welfare of our soceity. In other words, biblical marriage promotes what is best for society by protecting what is best for children: being raised by their father and mother. When this does not exist for children, the track record is not good and the cost on society is high.
In conclusion, let me say that single moms and dads that are devoted to godly parenting are heroes and need love, support, and prayers. And yes there are exceptions to the principles stated or implied above; however, we cannot confuse exceptions with the general trend and the trend is clear that biblical marriage is best ... for everyone.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Be Prepared: The Issue of Abortion
Abortion is one of the most hotly debated and emotional issues in our country today. While it is a political issue, abortion is first and foremost about the issue of human life -- life created and given by God and as followers of Christ we believe that all life is sacred and special.
However, Christians have been accused of being insensitive to women by being pro-life. Therefore, we must guard against an attitude of insensitivity and display compassion and grace when discussing this issue. Furthermore, many women have undergone abortions and condemning them is not the solution (I would add that violent efforts to stop abortions are unbiblical and flat out wrong). We must speak intelligently about the wrongs of abortion while dealing compassionately with those affected by it.
The Status of Abortion in America
However, Christians have been accused of being insensitive to women by being pro-life. Therefore, we must guard against an attitude of insensitivity and display compassion and grace when discussing this issue. Furthermore, many women have undergone abortions and condemning them is not the solution (I would add that violent efforts to stop abortions are unbiblical and flat out wrong). We must speak intelligently about the wrongs of abortion while dealing compassionately with those affected by it.
The Status of Abortion in America
- Since Roe v. Wade (1973) there have been roughly 44 million abortions in this country.
- Women give three main reasons for undergoing an abortion (Note: frequently pro-choice advocates speak of the "health of the mother" as a why abortion should be legal; however, that is not one of the main reasons women are having abortions):
- 3/4 say having a child would interfere with work, school, or other responsibilities.
- 2/3 say they cannot afford a child.
- 1/2 say they do not want to be a single parent or they are having trouble with their husband or partner.
- Two-thirds of abortions are by women who have never been married.
- In 2002, 45% of abortions were performed on women who had already had at least one other abortion.
Doesn't a woman have a right to control her own body?
We can certainly agree that all of us have certain rights over our bodies; however, no one has absolute control over their bodies. We do not have the "right" to take our own lives (suicide), we do not have the right to sell our body parts, and we do not have the right (in most states) to sell our bodies for sex. We do not have the right to go out in public naked. We do not have the right to use our bodies as assault weapons. We do not have the right to smoke in certain places (because of its effect on others).
A second case against the "rights to my own body" argument is that an unborn child is not part of its mother's body. In many cases, the baby has a different blood type and even different DNA. In our society, we have always limited the exercise of freedom when and where it interferes with the rights of others. In other words, the right to choose ends at the point where the rights of another begin.
Is an unborn baby really a person with rights?
The Supreme Court, in its landmark case that legalized abortion, Roe v. Wade (1973), argued that unborn babies were not yet people and therefore had no "right to life." The big question then becomes when does life really begin and who gets to decide? What are the standards for being human: consciousness, social capacity, or some type of viability outside the womb?
Here's the problem: if personhood is determined by some standard other than simply being human (and a human egg fertilized by human sperm now a developing, growing human) then why wouldn't it be appropriate to kill anyone who doesn't meet the "standard" of personhood? There are many post-natal babies, elderly persons, and handicapped individuals who are technically as helpless as an unborn babies or even newborns; however, all people have dignity, worth, and value simply because they are people created in the image of God!
Finally, more and more studies are revealing how quickly development happens after conception. Some abortions (especially partial birth) cause pain to the baby!!
Isn't abortion merciful if the baby would enter a world of incredible hardship and financial strain? Why should a woman be forced to have an "unwanted" child?
This is where we most show compassion and provide alternatives to abortion. Crisis pregnancy centers like the ones our church supports in Dalton & Calhoun are great examples that provide amazing opportunities for women facing hardships and financial stress. Additionally, I would argue that there are no "unwanted" babies. This is where adoption and the biblical command to take care of orphans must be obeyed by the church and by Christians. I have recently read that the number of parents waiting & wanting to adopt in this country is much greater than the number of abortions performed each year!! Think about that: theoretically, every single aborted child could be placed in a forever family where they are "wanted"!!
Isn't pro-life against women?
Absolutely not. Consider that women always have the choice to say "No" to sex and thus say "No" to one of the natural results of sex: pregnancy.
However, we must realize that abortion is full of risks and long-term consequences to women. The fact that many women are not briefed on these risks is very troubling. You cannot open a bottle of aspirin without seeing the dangers on the bottle, yet a woman can have an actual medical procedure without learning of the historical problems it has caused and could cause?
Finally, I think abortion offers an excellent opportunity to point people to Jesus Christ. He offers hope and forgiveness. He so valued our lives that He gave His own life to save us!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Be Prepared: Creation of the Earth and Life
You're watching the Discovery Channel when a reference to the absolute certainty of evolution is made. Someone asks you what you think. How do you respond?
1) Science now confirms that the universe did have an actual beginning ... and it is pretty close to Genesis 1 which tells us God spoke and things were quickly created and that it started with light.
Nobel Prize winning Physcist Steven Weinberg describes what science says about the start of the universe: “In 3 minutes, 98% of all the matter there is or ever will be was produced. We have a universe … done in about the time it takes to make a sandwich … and it was filled with light ..."
2) No transitional species have ever been found that would be necessary for one species to evolve into another.
Breeders know this. They can create certain variations within existing species but there are fixed limitations. Dogs still produce dogs and cats still produce cats. The fossil record contains not one instance of that shows a species evolving or transitioning into another.
3) The issue of irreducibility complexity.
This simply means that some organs are so complex that if reduced to a lesser form the organ would cease to function properly. Evolution says that everything evolved over time from the simple to the complex. However, irreducible complexity says that if a complex organ became less complex it would cease to work.
Charles Darwin even admited this problem and said that the complexity of the human eye caused him to "shudder." He went on to say that “If it could ever be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”
4) The issue of consciousness.
What gives people and living things a sense of consciousness? Why aren't our brains just "meat computers"?
5) The unique ability of the earth to support life.
There are 30 different physical parameters (everything from the water molecule to gravity to the earth's tilt and rotation) that must be present for life to exist. Did total randomness "accidentally" cause these perfect, life-supporting conditions?
For more information, click here.
1) Science now confirms that the universe did have an actual beginning ... and it is pretty close to Genesis 1 which tells us God spoke and things were quickly created and that it started with light.
Nobel Prize winning Physcist Steven Weinberg describes what science says about the start of the universe: “In 3 minutes, 98% of all the matter there is or ever will be was produced. We have a universe … done in about the time it takes to make a sandwich … and it was filled with light ..."
2) No transitional species have ever been found that would be necessary for one species to evolve into another.
Breeders know this. They can create certain variations within existing species but there are fixed limitations. Dogs still produce dogs and cats still produce cats. The fossil record contains not one instance of that shows a species evolving or transitioning into another.
3) The issue of irreducibility complexity.
This simply means that some organs are so complex that if reduced to a lesser form the organ would cease to function properly. Evolution says that everything evolved over time from the simple to the complex. However, irreducible complexity says that if a complex organ became less complex it would cease to work.
Charles Darwin even admited this problem and said that the complexity of the human eye caused him to "shudder." He went on to say that “If it could ever be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”
4) The issue of consciousness.
What gives people and living things a sense of consciousness? Why aren't our brains just "meat computers"?
5) The unique ability of the earth to support life.
There are 30 different physical parameters (everything from the water molecule to gravity to the earth's tilt and rotation) that must be present for life to exist. Did total randomness "accidentally" cause these perfect, life-supporting conditions?
For more information, click here.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Be Prepared: The Bible Is Reliable
You get a five minute break at work and a co-worker asks you about the accuracy and reliability of the Bible. How can you respond?
The Bible has an amazingly consistent theme: Jesus.
The Bible has an amazingly consistent theme: Jesus.
- Written over the course of 1500 years by 40 different authors and containing 66 different books, the Bible is remarkable in the unity and consistency of its message.
- There were more than 300 prophecies made in the Old Testament that were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The probability of this is astonishing.
The evidence shows that the Bible is amazingly accurate.
- Over 23,000 archaelogical digs in biblical areas have either confirmed biblical facts or been neutral. None have disproved biblical accounts.
- Scholars say that at least 99% of the Bible has been translated correctly. (It may be helpful to read this blog post on Bible translations.)
- We currently have thousands of copies of Greek New Testament manuscripts, the earliest of which dates around 120 A.D. (some fragments are even earlier). Therefore, the copies we have while not original copies are very close to the times when the New Testament books were written (between ~)50-95 A.D.
- We have 5 copies of Aristotles Poetics, written 1400-1500 years after the original.
- We have less than 10 copies of Caesar's Gallic Wars, written 900 years after the original.
- We have about 640 copies of Homer's Illiad, written 2100 years after the original.
- There are 39 other ancient sources that relate various aspects of Jesus' life.
The Bible is one of the greatest miracles of God and it is available for us to read, study, and live by every single day! It can be trusted.
For more information, check out this article on the Bible.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Weekly Rundown (7.12.09)
- Just got off the phone with the local paper. They are doing a story on us going to Chatsworth. Apparently, there is a lot of "buzz" about it. I think it will be in Monday's edition.
- Speaking of Chatsworth, we do not have a definite place to meet yet. Yes we are still working on the possibility of the old GM Harris Sutton dealership but is not a done deal. Keep praying!!
- Great to be back teaching today and I'm excited about this series!! We have called several audibles as God seems to be leading us to address some things going on in our church body.
- Lots of tough but good conversations this week among our staff. I love serving God with this team!! We are getting ready for the next "big" season when school starts back.
- We're excited that Kurt Kessler is joining our team as the Student Minister for Calhoun!! I've known Kurt a long time ... great character, passion for the upcoming generation, and loves Jesus!
- I bought a new grill ... went back to charcoal after years with gas. I think the charcoal ones make the food taste better. I'm two-for-two so far: chicken and hamburgers.
- Next week's Scripture for Wild, Wild Women -- Part 2: Joshua 2
- Have a great week!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Be Prepared
During our God & Country service, I challenged our church to be able to fulfill this biblical command found in I Peter 3:15 -- But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
Specifically, we talked about five issues or areas that Christians ought to be able to speak on with both intelligence & compassion:
Specifically, we talked about five issues or areas that Christians ought to be able to speak on with both intelligence & compassion:
- Why the Bible is a reliable source of truth, authority, and perspective.
- Creationsim (the belief that created the earth & life) is not just "religion" but it is also science
- Abortion: why life is sacred and special
- Marriage is between one man and one woman
- Jesus Christ is the author of salvation
The problem we want to address is that Christians seem to be unable to give answers to these pressing questions being asked by our culture, our friends, and our neighbors ... and when Christians do answer we often seem narrow-minded, mean, judgemental, insensitive, or un-intelligent. I think Peter knew that as Christians we would stand out in the world and that would give us an opportunity to speak on issues facing the world. He wanted us to be able to leverage those opportunities to point people to the hope we have in Jesus Christ. But he cautioned us to speak with "gentleness" and "respect".
The Christian worldview has helped in the fight against slavery and child labor and it has fought for women's equality and civil rights. There are consequences when this worldview is not shared, not known, and not heard. Now is the time for us to be prepared because people need the hope!!
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