- We were blessed to celebrate more baptisms this year any other in our history!
- God caused our church to grow faster this year and we were named one of the Top 100 Fastest Growing Churches in America by Outreach Magazine (check out the list here).
- We began construction on our Next Step campus expansion at our Dalton campus. The highlight was opening Stage 123 as a second worship venue, community space, and student ministry space.
- God brought some amazing new staff members to our church.
- We celebrated one year of being a multi-site church at our Calhoun Campus.
- We've identified some areas where we need to improve: church-wide communications, growing our small groups, and developing leaders in our church.
- I've learned a lot about myself as a leader and where I need to grow to better serve our church and our staff.
- I've learned to rest more in God's sovereignty and promises. Many times I know exactly how the man felt in Mark 9:24 when he cried, "I do believe! Help my unbelief!!"
- Our staff and Elders continually amaze me with their dedication, wisdom, and leadership. We are blessed to be led by this group of people.
- I took a longer summer break this year and it was good for me, my marriage, and our church as a whole. I'm a better leader, preacher, husband, friend, and child of God when I "rest" and get away.
- Thought our creative team (worship + tech) did a great job with our message series this year ...
- The Forged message series was a great series as we discussed how God works to "forge" our character to be like Christ. Staging rocked for this one!
- I think the Boot Camp series covered one of the greatest needs in Christianity today -- how to study your Bible on your own and fuel your spiritual growth.
- For me the Prime Time was really powerful to preach because all we did for several weeks was share the truths of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ ... GOOD NEWS!!
- Lots of great feedback from the Committed series on marriage.
- Hostage series was all about freedom in Christ ... what He died to give us!!
- Two very practical series this Fall: Dirty Jobs and Temptation.
Let me close this yearly "rundown" by simply thanking the wonderful people of Rock Bridge!! We are part (albeit small part) of a movement of God. Thank you for coming, serving, praying, and bringing people to church with you!! Never underestimate what God wants to do through His church ... we cannot imagine it but we can be part of it!! Our God is an awesome God!!!